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I meant to send this earlier and then got bogged down working on the release.

I definitely think we should start the process of graduating.  I really feel 
like we have enough of a community now that if NCSU were to pull out of the 
project (very unlikely to happen), VCL would continue to survive.

The web site definitely needs work either before graduating or very soon 
after.  I have some ideas about how to organize things based on what type of 
information a person may be looking for when visiting the site.  I'll try to 
get that framework put in place now that Andy has created the stub files for 
using the new CMS system.

As soon as we get a release candidate cut, I'll have more time to work on 
things like the status page and the web site.


On Wednesday, May 02, 2012 9:14:25 AM Aaron Peeler wrote:
> I feel we have meet our diversity issue and also expect to add more
> committers over the next couple of months. I would positively support
> a vote for graduation.
> I agree on the other points mentioned.
> Status page needs to be updated. We can work on this part easily.
> The web site needs to be migrated off confluence. Has anyone
> researched other CMS options for the website. I think this would be a
> good community discussion thread. Which CMS, the layout, (content,
> documentation, design ideas, etc.)
> Aaron
> On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 12:44 PM, Andy Kurth <andy_ku...@ncsu.edu> wrote:
> > This thread is to discuss whether the Apache VCL community feels that
> > this incubating project is ready to proceed with the process to
> > graduate to a top level ASF project.  There are several requirements
> > which must be met and steps completed in order to graduate.   This
> > discussion thread is the first step towards graduation.  Please review
> > the following pages.
> > http://incubator.apache.org/guides/graduation.html
> > http://incubator.apache.org/incubation/Incubation_Policy.html#Graduating
> > +from+the+Incubator
> > 
> > There are many items described in the ASF graduation documentation
> > which we have obviously satisfied (create a release, etc).  The
> > following are issues that I feel either need to be addressed, would be
> > concerned about regarding board/mentor approval, or have been brought
> > up before.  Please share your thoughts.  Also, please review the ASF
> > graduation documentation and bring up anything else which might be a
> > concern.
> > 
> > Status File:
> > (https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/public/trunk/content/project
> > s/vcl.xml) This is not up to date and is missing information.  Previous
> > board reports need to be added.  News items need to be added containing
> > the string "new committer".  Doing this will cause the
> > numberCommittersNew column on the "Status of the Clutch" page to turn
> > green
> > (http://incubator.apache.org/clutch.html).
> > 
> > Also, the list of commiters in the status file and project page hasn't
> > changed since Apache VCL started.  The new committers obviously need
> > to be added.  I'm not sure how the original list was decided upon, but
> > I feel several names should be removed since they have not contributed
> > any code and some have not been involved in the community at all.  I
> > think the list should be Aaron Coburn, David Hutchins, Andy Kurth,
> > James O'Dell, Aaron Peeler, Josh Thompson.  Also, Brian Bouterse
> > contributed some code a while ago.  I'm not sure if he is still
> > interested in being a committer.
> > 
> > Diversity:
> > ASF requirement: "The project is not highly dependent on any single
> > contributor (there are at least 3 legally independent committers and
> > there is no single company or entity that is vital to the success of
> > the project)."
> > This issue has been raised before.  I feel we meet this requirement
> > and that the community is generally diverse, can govern itself, and be
> > self-sufficient.
> > 
> > Website:
> > This is not necessarily a requirement for graduation but I feel that
> > it should be addressed prior to graduation.  Our website/documentation
> > is pretty rough and really should be redesigned.  I'm guessing the
> > board members will look at it prior to voting.  In addition, there
> > will likely be a press release if/when we graduate and website views
> > will spike.  This shouldn't hold up the graduation process, but I
> > would like agreement that this should be completed by graduation.
> > 
> > Thank You,
> > Andy
- -- 
- -------------------------------
Josh Thompson
VCL Developer
North Carolina State University

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