I'm a vcl newbie, installed it fresh on a gentoo 2.6.24-26.64 x64 linux host 
for UCSB's College of Letters & Sciences.
Every since completing the installation of the management node, I was only able 
to login one time successfully and
get the program configured for basic operations.  Since that time, any attempt 
to login as "admin" with the proper
password, has been rejected.

vcld.log follows below:
unable to retrieve management node information from database

Time: 2010-08-11 09:29:31
PID: 24997
Caller: vcld:main(130)

( 0) utils.pm, notify (line: 737)
(-1) vcld, main (line: 130)

2010-08-11 09:29:31|24997|vcld:main(116)|vcld environment variable set to 1 for 
this process
2010-08-11 09:29:31|24997|utils.pm:rename_vcld_process(7901)|renamed process to 
'vcld vcld'
|24997| ---- WARNING ---- 
|24997| 2010-08-11 09:29:31|24997|utils.pm:getnewdbh(3452)|unable to connect to 
database, (1045) Access denied for user 'vcluser'@'bester.lsit.ucsb.edu' (using 
password: YES)
|24997| ( 0) utils.pm, notify (line: 737)
|24997| (-1) utils.pm, getnewdbh (line: 3452)
|24997| (-2) utils.pm, database_select (line: 4822)
|24997| (-3) utils.pm, get_management_node_info (line: 6733)
|24997| (-4) vcld, main (line: 126)
|24997| ---- WARNING ---- 
|24997| 2010-08-11 09:29:31|24997|utils.pm:getnewdbh(3452)|unable to connect to 
database, (1045) Access denied for user 'vcluser'@'bester.lsit.ucsb.edu' (using 
password: YES)
|24997| ( 0) utils.pm, notify (line: 737)
|24997| (-1) utils.pm, getnewdbh (line: 3452)
|24997| (-2) utils.pm, database_select (line: 4824)
|24997| (-3) utils.pm, get_management_node_info (line: 6733)
|24997| (-4) vcld, main (line: 126)
|24997| ---- WARNING ---- 
|24997| 2010-08-11 09:29:31|24997|utils.pm:database_select(4825)|unable to 
obtain database handle, Access denied for user 'vcluser'@'bester.lsit.ucsb.edu' 
(using password: YES)
|24997| ( 0) utils.pm, notify (line: 737)
|24997| (-1) utils.pm, database_select (line: 4825)
|24997| (-2) utils.pm, get_management_node_info (line: 6733)
|24997| (-3) vcld, main (line: 126)
|24997| ---- WARNING ---- 
|24997| 2010-08-11 09:29:31|24997|utils.pm:get_management_node_info(6737)|zero 
rows were returned from database select, management node identifier may be 
invalid: 'bester.lsit.ucsb.edu'
|24997| SELECT
|24997| managementnode.*,
|24997| resource.id AS resource_id,
|24997| predictivemodule.name AS predictive_name,
|24997| predictivemodule.prettyname AS predictive_prettyname,
|24997| predictivemodule.description AS predictive_description,
|24997| predictivemodule.perlpackage  AS predictive_perlpackage,
|24997| state.name AS statename
|24997| FROM
|24997| managementnode,
|24997| module predictivemodule,
|24997| resource,
|24997| resourcetype,
|24997| state
|24997| WHERE
|24997| managementnode.predictivemoduleid = predictivemodule.id
|24997| AND managementnode.stateid = state.id
|24997| AND resource.resourcetypeid = resourcetype.id
|24997| AND resource.subid =  managementnode.id
|24997| AND resourcetype.name = 'managementnode'
|24997| AND managementnode.hostname like 'bester.lsit.ucsb.edu%'
|24997| ( 0) utils.pm, notify (line: 737)
|24997| (-1) utils.pm, get_management_node_info (line: 6737)
|24997| (-2) vcld, main (line: 126)

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