
My existing datastore is on a different host:, it's an ESX 4.1 
host and the datastore I've created there is all
managed by vSphere 4.1 as well.  There's a resource pool called "vm-pool" and 
the datastore is in the default location.  I can
grant you off-campus remote access via ssh or http over the phone, if you wish 
to look at what we have there in preparation 
for next week's call.  

All of the images I have so far include (2) Windows 2003 R2 x64 servers which 
were created to demo VMWare View 4 primarily, 
(3) Windows XP SP3 desktop images called:  vlabxp1, vlabxp2, hssbpc-26 
( respectively and all these are currently 
up and mounted.  They're accessible via remote desktop from off-campus.  I have 
no security in place yet, but that is coming.  I 
wanted to get VLAB under vcl working first, then add the security after the 
fact so that no unnecessary tail-chasing would commence..

As regards the question:  can I create additonal datastores?  Well, yes and no 
- I don't have a SAN <yet> as this project is in the
prototype stage -- if I can get it operational as-is, they'll likely fund my 
SAN purchase request.  However, I've used about 60% of 
a 1TB local RAID1+0 SAS storage array and have appx. 400GB remaining unused at 
this point, so we could create a temp. datastore
there if absolutely necessary, but that would make things pretty tight, 
space-wise.  I can also eliminate one of the two windows 
2003 R2 x64 servers and that'll free up 100GB.

On Aug 12, 2010, at 8:31 AM, Andy Kurth wrote:

> Once your VCL website is working you will need to load each image on a VM, 
> install and configure Cygwin sshd, then save each as a VCL image.  Rather 
> than taking weeks to get this working via the list I could help you through 
> this over phone then send a summary to the list.  I'd like to use the new 
> VMware code so it can be tested in another environment.  Send me a note 
> directly if you want to arrange a time next week.
> It will be helpful to know your existing datastore is structured.  Do you 
> have a directory for each set of vmdk files?  Do you have the ability to 
> create additional datastores?  It may be wise to use separate space while 
> you're getting things working to eliminate the possibility of affecting your 
> existing images.
> -Andy
> Randy Sprague wrote:
>> David,
>> No sir, I did not.   My boss has asked me to get a VCL prototype up and 
>> running and linked to our already created
>> vmware ESX 4.1 server's datastore of 'ready-to-roll'  Windows XP Desktop 
>> images that have all of UCSB's licensed
>> lab software pre-installed on them.  I've tested those images and they are 
>> fully accessible via RDP from off-campus,
>> so I was hoping this would be fairly straightforward, but it hasn't.
>> How realistic is it to expect that I'd have a working prototype by 8/31?
>> -Randy.
>> On Aug 11, 2010, at 11:24 AM, David Abdurachmanov wrote:
>>> Hi Randy,
>>> After installing VLC and setting it up, have you changed the password of 
>>> "admin" account?
>>> David
>>> On 2010.08.11, at 21:11, Randy Sprague wrote:
>>>> Josh,
>>>> Thanks for that quick reply!  
>>>> I ran 'testsetup.php' as suggested and it came back clean, but am still 
>>>> unable to login via the management node.
>>>> Please see the 'testsetup.php' results below:
>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> PHP version: 5.2.13-pl0-gentoo
>>>> Including .ht-inc/conf.php ...
>>>> successfully included .ht-inc/conf.php
>>>> Checking COOKIEDOMAIN setting in .ht-inc/conf.php ...
>>>> COOKIEDOMAIN ( appears to be set correctly
>>>> Checking that BASEURL in conf.php is set to use https ...
>>>> BASEURL correctly set to use https
>>>> Checking that SCRIPT is set appropriately ...
>>>> SCRIPT appears to be set correctly
>>>> Testing for required php extensions ...
>>>> All required modules are installed
>>>> Checking values in .ht-inc/secrets.php ...
>>>> all required values in .ht-inc/secrets.php appear to be set
>>>> Testing mysql connection ...
>>>> Successfully connected to mysql on localhost
>>>> Successfully selected database (vcl) on localhost
>>>> Testing mcrypt ...
>>>> Successfully encrypted test string
>>>> Successfully decrypted test string
>>>> checking openssl encryption keys ...
>>>> successfully created private key from private key file
>>>> successfully created public key from public key file
>>>> Testing openssl encryption ...
>>>> successfully encrypted test string
>>>> successfully decrypted test string
>>>> Testing for existance of dojo and dojoAjax directories ...
>>>> dojoAjax directory exists
>>>> dojoAjax directory is readable
>>>> dojo directory exists
>>>> dojo directory is readable
>>>> Testing for existance of jpgraph directory ...
>>>> .ht-inc/jpgraph directory exists
>>>> .ht-inc/jpgraphdirectory is readable
>>>> Checking value of PHP display_errors ...
>>>> display_errors: enabled
>>>> NOTE: Displaying errors in a production system is a security risk; however,
>>>> while getting VCL up and running, having them displayed makes debugging
>>>> a little easier. Edit your php.ini file to modify this setting.
>>>> Done
>>>> -Randy
>>>> ==================================
>>>> Randy Sprague,
>>>> Instructional SysAdmin
>>>> College of Letters & Sciences
>>>> UC Santa Barbara
>>>> (805) 722-4996
>>>> On Aug 11, 2010, at 9:42 AM, Randy Sprague wrote:
>>>>> I'm a vcl newbie, installed it fresh on a gentoo 2.6.24-26.64 x64 linux 
>>>>> host for UCSB's College of Letters & Sciences.
>>>>> Every since completing the installation of the management node, I was 
>>>>> only able to login one time successfully and
>>>>> get the program configured for basic operations.  Since that time, any 
>>>>> attempt to login as "admin" with the proper
>>>>> password, has been rejected.
>>>>> vcld.log follows below:
>>>>> unable to retrieve management node information from database
>>>>> Time: 2010-08-11 09:29:31
>>>>> PID: 24997
>>>>> Caller: vcld:main(130)
>>>>> ( 0), notify (line: 737)
>>>>> (-1) vcld, main (line: 130)
>>>>> 2010-08-11 09:29:31|24997|vcld:main(116)|vcld environment variable set to 
>>>>> 1 for this process
>>>>> 2010-08-11 09:29:31|24997||renamed 
>>>>> process to 'vcld vcld'
>>>>> |24997| ---- WARNING ---- |24997| 2010-08-11 
>>>>> 09:29:31|24997||unable to connect to database, 
>>>>> (1045) Access denied for user 'vcluser'@'' (using 
>>>>> password: YES)
>>>>> |24997| ( 0), notify (line: 737)
>>>>> |24997| (-1), getnewdbh (line: 3452)
>>>>> |24997| (-2), database_select (line: 4822)
>>>>> |24997| (-3), get_management_node_info (line: 6733)
>>>>> |24997| (-4) vcld, main (line: 126)
>>>>> |24997| ---- WARNING ---- |24997| 2010-08-11 
>>>>> 09:29:31|24997||unable to connect to database, 
>>>>> (1045) Access denied for user 'vcluser'@'' (using 
>>>>> password: YES)
>>>>> |24997| ( 0), notify (line: 737)
>>>>> |24997| (-1), getnewdbh (line: 3452)
>>>>> |24997| (-2), database_select (line: 4824)
>>>>> |24997| (-3), get_management_node_info (line: 6733)
>>>>> |24997| (-4) vcld, main (line: 126)
>>>>> |24997| ---- WARNING ---- |24997| 2010-08-11 
>>>>> 09:29:31|24997||unable to obtain database 
>>>>> handle, Access denied for user 'vcluser'@'' (using 
>>>>> password: YES)
>>>>> |24997| ( 0), notify (line: 737)
>>>>> |24997| (-1), database_select (line: 4825)
>>>>> |24997| (-2), get_management_node_info (line: 6733)
>>>>> |24997| (-3) vcld, main (line: 126)
>>>>> |24997| ---- WARNING ---- |24997| 2010-08-11 
>>>>> 09:29:31|24997||zero rows were 
>>>>> returned from database select, management node identifier may be invalid: 
>>>>> ''
>>>>> |24997| SELECT
>>>>> |24997| managementnode.*,
>>>>> |24997| AS resource_id,
>>>>> |24997| AS predictive_name,
>>>>> |24997| predictivemodule.prettyname AS predictive_prettyname,
>>>>> |24997| predictivemodule.description AS predictive_description,
>>>>> |24997| predictivemodule.perlpackage  AS predictive_perlpackage,
>>>>> |24997| AS statename
>>>>> |24997| FROM
>>>>> |24997| managementnode,
>>>>> |24997| module predictivemodule,
>>>>> |24997| resource,
>>>>> |24997| resourcetype,
>>>>> |24997| state
>>>>> |24997| WHERE
>>>>> |24997| managementnode.predictivemoduleid =
>>>>> |24997| AND managementnode.stateid =
>>>>> |24997| AND resource.resourcetypeid =
>>>>> |24997| AND resource.subid =
>>>>> |24997| AND = 'managementnode'
>>>>> |24997| AND managementnode.hostname like ''
>>>>> |24997| ( 0), notify (line: 737)
>>>>> |24997| (-1), get_management_node_info (line: 6737)
>>>>> |24997| (-2) vcld, main (line: 126)
> -- 
> Andy Kurth
> Virtual Computing Lab
> Office of Information Technology
> North Carolina State University
> 919.513.4090

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