DHCP is a requirement for the private interface but you should still be able to get it to work. I have configured similar installations before. For the private network, you'll want to configure a VMware host-only network, not a bridged network.

I created updated instructions to configure a standalone environment using VMware Server 2.0:

The instructions haven't been tested and there are probably a couple errors but this will hopefully point you in the right direction.

To use static public addresses, you just need to define them when you add new computers and configure the management node to use static addresses and specify the correct subnet mask, gateway, and DNS servers under Management Nodes > Edit.


On 4/6/2011 4:03 PM, Tyler Hardesty wrote:
Thanks Andy, you have been sooo helpful!! My image seemed to capture
successfully, but it wasn't the Data Store Path I had to clear, it was
the Image repository path, then I ran setup again and it said image
capture successful... however now I can't seem to successfully reserve
the image... I still think it has something to do with the ip, do I need
to change to a static setup since I don't have a DHCP server handing out
IPs (i.e. this is a single machine running everything (vmware, Apache
VCL, management node, etc) that is located inside the network closet at
my school and is statically assigned an ip of and I am
allowed to use IPs up til about 205.215 but they aren't handed out by a
DHCP server). Well you will probably know better, this is my log output:

12:39:59|1614|42:42|new|Module.pm:code_loop_timeout(724)|attempt 107:
code returned false, seconds el\
apsed/remaining: 898/2, sleeping for 8 seconds
2011-04-06 12:40:03|30717|vcld:main(167)|lastcheckin time updated for
management node 1: 2011-04-06 12:40:03
12:40:07|1614|42:42|new|Module.pm:code_loop_timeout(728)|attempt 108:
waiting for vm4 to respond to S\
2011-04-06 12:40:07|1614|42:42|new|OS.pm:is_ssh_responding(386)|vm4 is
NOT responding to SSH, ports 22 or 24 are\
  both closed
12:40:07|1614|42:42|new|Module.pm:code_loop_timeout(736)|waiting for vm4
to respond to SSH, code did \
not return true after waiting 900 seconds

|1614|42:42|new| ---- WARNING ----
|1614|42:42|new| 2011-04-06
12:40:07|1614|42:42|new|OS.pm:wait_for_response(465)|failed to connect
to vm4 via SS\
H after 900 seconds
|1614|42:42|new| ( 0) OS.pm, wait_for_response (line: 465)
|1614|42:42|new| (-1) Windows.pm, post_load (line: 591)
|1614|42:42|new| (-2) VMware.pm, load (line: 415)
|1614|42:42|new| (-3) new.pm <http://new.pm>, reload_image (line: 687)
|1614|42:42|new| (-4) new.pm <http://new.pm>, process (line: 282)
|1614|42:42|new| (-5) vcld, make_new_child (line: 568)

|1614|42:42|new| ---- WARNING ----
|1614|42:42|new| 2011-04-06
12:40:07|1614|42:42|new|Windows.pm:post_load(592)|vm4 never responded to SSH
|1614|42:42|new| ( 0) Windows.pm, post_load (line: 592)
|1614|42:42|new| (-1) VMware.pm, load (line: 415)
|1614|42:42|new| (-2) new.pm <http://new.pm>, reload_image (line: 687)
|1614|42:42|new| (-3) new.pm <http://new.pm>, process (line: 282)
|1614|42:42|new| (-4) vcld, make_new_child (line: 568)
|1614|42:42|new| (-5) vcld, main (line: 346)

|1614|42:42|new| ---- WARNING ----
|1614|42:42|new| 2011-04-06
12:40:07|1614|42:42|new|VMware.pm:load(419)|failed to perform OS
post-load tasks on \
VM vm4 on VM host: localvmhost
|1614|42:42|new| ( 0) VMware.pm, load (line: 419)
|1614|42:42|new| (-1) new.pm <http://new.pm>, reload_image (line: 687)
|1614|42:42|new| (-2) new.pm <http://new.pm>, process (line: 282)
|1614|42:42|new| (-3) vcld, make_new_child (line: 568)
|1614|42:42|new| (-4) vcld, main (line: 346)

|1614|42:42|new| ---- WARNING ----
|1614|42:42|new| 2011-04-06
failed to load\
  on vm4, returning
|1614|42:42|new| ( 0) new.pm <http://new.pm>, reload_image (line: 692)
|1614|42:42|new| (-1) new.pm <http://new.pm>, process (line: 282)
|1614|42:42|new| (-2) vcld, make_new_child (line: 568)
|1614|42:42|new| (-3) vcld, main (line: 346)

2011-04-06 12:40:07|1614|42:42|new|utils.pm:insertloadlog(3875)|inserted
computer=5, loadimagefailed, vmwarewinx\
p-xp231-v0 failed to load on vm4

|1614|42:42|new| ---- WARNING ----
|1614|42:42|new| 2011-04-06
12:40:07|1614|42:42|new|new.pm:process(329)|failed to load vm4 with
|1614|42:42|new| ( 0) new.pm <http://new.pm>, process (line: 329)
|1614|42:42|new| (-1) vcld, make_new_child (line: 568)
|1614|42:42|new| (-2) vcld, main (line: 346)

to retrieve current\
  state of computer vm4 from the database
current state of com\
puter vm4 from the database: reloading
12:40:07|1614|42:42|new|DataStructure.pm:_automethod(835)|data structure
updated: $self->request_data\
|1614|42:42|new| computer_state_name = reloading
to retrieve\
  private IP address for computer: vm4
contents of \
/etc/hosts on this management node, contains 8 lines
IP address f\
rom /etc/hosts file:
2011-04-06 12:40:07|1614|42:42|new|utils.pm:is_inblockrequest(6147)|zero
rows were returned from database select
owner id: 1
2011-04-06 12:40:07|1614|42:42|new|utils.pm:getnewdbh(2709)|database
requested (information_schema) does not mat\
ch handle stored in $ENV{dbh} (vcl:
2011-04-06 12:40:07|1614|42:42|new|utils.pm:getnewdbh(2760)|database
handle stored in $ENV{dbh}
2011-04-06 12:40:08|30717|vcld:main(167)|lastcheckin time updated for
management node 1: 2011-04-06 12:40:08
to retrieve and store da\
ta for user: user.id <http://user.id> = '1'
2011-04-06 12:40:08|1614|42:42|new|utils.pm:getnewdbh(2709)|database
requested (vcl) does not match handle store\
d in $ENV{dbh} (information_schema:
2011-04-06 12:40:08|1614|42:42|new|utils.pm:getnewdbh(2760)|database
handle stored in $ENV{dbh}
has been retrieved for user: a\
dmin (id: 1)
/etc/mail/submit.cf <http://submit.cf>: line 544: fileclass: cannot open
'/etc/mail/trusted-users': Group writable directory
2011-04-06 12:40:08|1614|42:42|new|utils.pm:mail(1268)|SUCCESS --
Sending mail To: tharde...@tylerhardesty.info
  PROBLEM -- 42:42|new|State.pm|vm4>localvmhost|vmwarewinxp-xp231-v0|admin

|1614|42:42|new| ---- CRITICAL ----
|1614|42:42|new| 2011-04-06
failed on vm4: \
process failed after trying to load or make available
|1614|42:42|new| ( 0) State.pm, reservation_failed (line: 223)
|1614|42:42|new| (-1) new.pm <http://new.pm>, process (line: 332)
|1614|42:42|new| (-2) vcld, make_new_child (line: 568)
|1614|42:42|new| (-3) vcld, main (line: 346)

2011-04-06 12:40:08|1614|42:42|new|utils.pm:insertloadlog(3875)|inserted
computer=5, failed, process failed afte\
r trying to load or make available
computerloadlog entry
12:40:08|1614|42:42|new|State.pm:reservation_failed(234)|updated log
ending value to 'failed', logid=\
12:40:08|1614|42:42|new|utils.pm:update_computer_state(2033)|computer 5
state updated to: failed
12:40:08|1614|42:42|new|State.pm:reservation_failed(245)|computer vm4
(5) state set to failed
12:40:08|1614|42:42|new|utils.pm:update_request_state(1991)|request 42
state updated to: failed, last\
state to: new
2011-04-06 12:40:08|1614|42:42|new|State.pm:reservation_failed(258)|set
request state to 'failed'/'new'
2011-04-06 12:40:08|1614|42:42|new|utils.pm:is_inblockrequest(6147)|zero
rows were returned from database select
2011-04-06 12:40:08|1614|42:42|new|State.pm:reservation_failed(276)|vm4
is NOT in blockcomputers table
12:40:08|1614|42:42|new|State.pm:reservation_failed(279)|exiting 1
2011-04-06 12:40:08|1614|42:42|new|State.pm:DESTROY(839)|VCL::new
destructor called, address: 9d3c1e0
computerloadlog en\
tries matching loadstate = begin
rows from computerl\
oadlog for reservation id=42
2011-04-06 12:40:08|1614|42:42|new|State.pm:DESTROY(858)|number of
database handles state process created: 3
2011-04-06 12:40:08|1614|42:42|new|State.pm:DESTROY(886)|VCL::new
process duration: 954 seconds
2011-04-06 12:40:08|1614|42:42|new|VIM_SSH.pm:DESTROY(1685)|vim-cmd call
count: 13
2011-04-06 12:40:08|30717|vcld:REAPER(718)|VCL process exited for
reservation 42, PID: 1614, signal: CHLD

On Mon, Apr 4, 2011 at 12:20 PM, Andy Kurth <andy_ku...@ncsu.edu
<mailto:andy_ku...@ncsu.edu>> wrote:

    I responded earlier to your "dynamic vs static ip" message before
    noticing this message.  I think I see the problem.  You seem to be
    using the same machine as the management node and VM host but the VM
    profile datastore path and repository path are the same.  Configure
    the VM profile to not use the image repository:

    -Click "Virtual Hosts"
    -Select localvmhost from the list and click "Configure Host"
    -Note the value next to "VM Profile"
    -Click "VM Host Profiles"
    -Select the profile being used by localvmhost and click "Configure
    -Clear the value of "Data Store Path"
    -Set "VM Disk" to networkdisk

    Your captured image should probably work in its current state even
    though the capture failed.  The image capture only failed because it
    was unable to make a duplicate copy of the vmdk directory in the
    image repository.  This feature isn't necessary if you're using a
    single box or all network storage.

    The only step that would have occurred if the image capture was
    successful would have been to set image.deleted and
    imagerevision.deleted to 0 in the database.  You can easily set this
    if you have phpMyAdmin installed or run 'mysql' from the command
    line and execute:

    UPDATE image SET deleted = '0' WHERE name = 'vmwarewin7-vm4win720-v0';
    UPDATE imagerevision SET deleted = '0' WHERE imagename =

    Make sure the image has been put into an image group.  You should
    see the image in the "New Reservation" list.  Try to make a reservation.

    Hope this helps,

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