
Please follow this article to add support for 'image' and 'install' :



Dmitri Chebotarov

On Wednesday, March 14, 2012 at 15:37 , Evelio Quiros wrote:

> Hello again,
> Dimitri, thanks for the advice.
> I have a question about these commands.
> Below, you wrote "nodeset d6100a image",
> But there is no image argument for nodeset.
> Here is the man page:
> nodeset [-h|--help|-v|--version]
> nodeset <noderange>
> [install|shell|boot|runcmd=bmcsetup|netboot|iscsiboot|osimage=<imagename>|s
> tatelite]
> When I try the command as-is, I get this:
> nodeset d6100a image
> d6100a: Error: Unable to identify plugin for this command, check relevant
> tables: nodetype.os
> Error: Some nodes failed to set up image resources, aborting
> I have done tabdump on the various tables, and done tabedit to modify them
> to my environment.
> I know this is not an xCAT list, but your guidance would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Al Quiros
> On 3/13/12 4:45 PM, "Dmitri Chebotarov" <dcheb...@gmu.edu 
> (mailto:dcheb...@gmu.edu)> wrote:
> > Evelio,
> > 
> > You should be able to capture image via xCAT before you can use VCL/xCAT.
> > 
> > To capture image via xCAT:
> > 
> > nodech d6100a nodetype.os=image nodetype.profile=rh5image-rh66-v0
> > nodeset d6100a image - this will create PXEboot config file for d6100a:
> > 
> > cat /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/<d6100a-PXE-if-mac>
> > 
> > #image rh5image-rh66-v0
> > KERNEL xcat/image/x86_64/vmlinuz
> > APPEND initrd=xcat/image/x86_64/initrd.img
> > imgurl=http://xcat-master/install/image/x86_64/installer_files/rootimg.gz
> > image=/install/image/x86_64/rh5image-rh66-v0.img blocks=512
> > action=save installnic=eth0 reboot noipv6
> > 
> > 'tabdump nodetype' should look similar to this - note that arch is x86:
> > 
> > #node,os,arch,profile,provmethod,supportedarchs,nodetype,comments,disable
> > ...
> > "d6100a","image","x86","rh5image-rh66-v0","image","x86,x86_64",,,
> > ...
> > 
> > Then do 'rpower d6100a reset'. This will restart d6100a and when node
> > boots over PXE it will boot into
> > http://xcat-master/install/image/x86_64/installer_files/rootimg.gz and,
> > given that image works fine and maps NFS store OK, it dump hd image to
> > /install/image/x86_64/rh5image-rh66-v0.img .
> > 
> > If it's successful then to install from the image:
> > 
> > nodeset d6100a install
> > 
> > 'tabdump nodetype' should look similar to this - provmethod changes from
> > image to install:
> > 
> > #node,os,arch,profile,provmethod,supportedarchs,nodetype,comments,disable
> > ...
> > "d6100a","image","x86","rh5image-rh66-v0","install","x86,x86_64",,,
> > ...
> > 
> > If these steps work OK, then you can use VCL to capture bare-metal image.
> > VCL uses 'nodeset <node> image' and 'nodeset <node> install' commands, so
> > it's good idea to make them work before using VCL.
> > 
> > Thanks.
> > On Mar 13, 2012, at 16:11 , Evelio Quiros wrote:
> > 
> > > Hello Again,
> > > 
> > > After trying again to capture a running image on a bare metal node, I
> > > get
> > > a failure message:
> > > Any ideas ?
> > > 
> > > Al Q
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Added new image to database: 'rh6'
> > > image.name (http://image.name): rh5image-rh66-v0
> > > image.id: 6
> > > imagerevision.id: 6
> > > imagemeta.id: 3
> > > resource.id: 16
> > > 
> > > 
> > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > > --
> > > -
> > > Inserted imaging request to the database:
> > > request ID: 1
> > > reservation ID: 1
> > > 
> > > This process will now display the contents of the vcld.log file if the
> > > vcld
> > > daemon is running. If you do not see many lines of additional output,
> > > exit
> > > this
> > > process, start the vcld daemon, and monitor the image capture process by
> > > running
> > > the command:
> > > tail -f /var/log/vcld.log | grep '1:1'
> > > 
> > > 
> > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > > --
> > > -
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:34|2012|vcld:main(167)|lastcheckin time updated for
> > > management node 1: 2012-03-13 16:03:34
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:39|6899|utils.pm:setup_get_array_choice(9947)|choices
> > > argument:
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:39|2012|vcld:main(167)|lastcheckin time updated for
> > > management node 1: 2012-03-13 16:03:39
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:44|2012|vcld:main(167)|lastcheckin time updated for
> > > management node 1: 2012-03-13 16:03:44
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:48|6899|utils.pm:insert_request(8358)|inserted new
> > > reload
> > > request into request table, request id=1
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:48|6899|utils.pm:insert_request(8389)|inserted new
> > > reload
> > > request into reservation table, reservation id=1
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|2012|vcld:main(167)|lastcheckin time updated for
> > > management node 1: 2012-03-13 16:03:49
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 
> > > 16:03:50|2012|1:1|image|utils.pm:reservation_being_processed(8938)|comput
> > > er
> > > loadlog 'begin' entry does NOT exist for reservation 1
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|2012|1:1|image|utils.pm:run_command(9010)|executed
> > > command: pgrep -fl 'vcld [0-9]+:1 ', pid: 7004, exit status: 0, output:
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 
> > > 16:03:50|2012|1:1|image|utils.pm:is_management_node_process_running(9192)
> > > |p
> > > rocess is NOT running, identifier: 'vcld [0-9]+:1 '
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 
> > > 16:03:50|2012|1:1|image|utils.pm:reservation_being_processed(8959)|reserv
> > > at
> > > ion is NOT currently being processed
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|2012|1:1|image|vcld:main(278)|reservation 1 is NOT
> > > already being processed
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 16:03:50|2012|1:1|image|utils.pm:get_request_info(4520)|standalone
> > > affiliation found: Local
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|2012|1:1|image|vcld:main(283)|retrieved request
> > > information from database
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 
> > > 16:03:50|2012|1:1|image|DataStructure.pm:is_parent_reservation(991)|retur
> > > ni
> > > ng true: parent reservation ID for this request: 1
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 16:03:50|2012|1:1|image|utils.pm:update_request_state(1991)|request 1
> > > state updated to: pending, laststate to: image
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|2012|1:1|image|utils.pm:insertloadlog(3875)|inserted
> > > computer=1, begin, beginning to process, state is image
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|2012|1:1|image|vcld:make_new_child(515)|loaded
> > > VCL::image module
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|2012|1:1|image|vcld:make_new_child(539)|current
> > > number
> > > of forked kids: 1
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|vcld:make_new_child(555)|vcld
> > > environment variable set to 0 for this process
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|Module.pm:new(172)|set 'test' key for
> > > VCL::image object from arguments
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|Module.pm:new(172)|set 'forimaging'
> > > key
> > > for VCL::image object from arguments
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|Module.pm:new(172)|set 'reservation'
> > > key for VCL::image object from arguments
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|Module.pm:new(172)|set 'userid' key
> > > for
> > > VCL::image object from arguments
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|Module.pm:new(172)|set
> > > 'daterequested'
> > > key for VCL::image object from arguments
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|Module.pm:new(172)|set
> > > key for VCL::image object from arguments
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|Module.pm:new(172)|set 'UPDATED' key
> > > for VCL::image object from arguments
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|Module.pm:new(172)|set 'SUBIMAGE' key
> > > for VCL::image object from arguments
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|Module.pm:new(172)|set 'CHECKTIME'
> > > key
> > > for VCL::image object from arguments
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|Module.pm:new(172)|set 'state' key
> > > for
> > > VCL::image object from arguments
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|Module.pm:new(172)|set 'laststate'
> > > key
> > > for VCL::image object from arguments
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|Module.pm:new(172)|set 'PRELOADONLY'
> > > key for VCL::image object from arguments
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|Module.pm:new(172)|set 'laststateid'
> > > key for VCL::image object from arguments
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|Module.pm:new(172)|set 'user' key for
> > > VCL::image object from arguments
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|Module.pm:new(172)|set 'id' key for
> > > VCL::image object from arguments
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|Module.pm:new(172)|set 'PID' key for
> > > VCL::image object from arguments
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|Module.pm:new(172)|set 'DURATION' key
> > > for VCL::image object from arguments
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|Module.pm:new(172)|set 'PPID' key for
> > > VCL::image object from arguments
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|Module.pm:new(172)|set 'datemodified'
> > > key for VCL::image object from arguments
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|Module.pm:new(172)|set
> > > 'RESERVATIONCOUNT' key for VCL::image object from arguments
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|Module.pm:new(172)|set 'end' key for
> > > VCL::image object from arguments
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|Module.pm:new(172)|set 'stateid' key
> > > for VCL::image object from arguments
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|Module.pm:new(172)|set 'PARENTIMAGE'
> > > key for VCL::image object from arguments
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|Module.pm:new(172)|set 'checkuser'
> > > key
> > > for VCL::image object from arguments
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|Module.pm:new(172)|set 'preload' key
> > > for VCL::image object from arguments
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|Module.pm:new(172)|set
> > > key for VCL::image object from arguments
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|Module.pm:new(172)|set 'start' key
> > > for
> > > VCL::image object from arguments
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|Module.pm:new(172)|set 'logid' key
> > > for
> > > VCL::image object from arguments
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 
> > > 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|Module.pm:create_mn_os_object(361)|VCL::Module::O
> > > S:
> > > :Linux::ManagementNode module loaded
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 
> > > 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|Module.pm:new(196)|VCL::Module::OS::Linux::Manage
> > > me
> > > ntNode object created for image <not set>, address: 3fdf4b8
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|DataStructure.pm:_automethod(834)|data
> > > structure updated:
> > > $self->request_data->{reservation}{0}{computer}{hostname}
> > > |7018|1:1|image| computer_hostname = vcldev01.p.fiu.edu
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|DataStructure.pm:_automethod(834)|data
> > > structure updated:
> > > $self->request_data->{reservation}{0}{computer}{NODENAME}
> > > |7018|1:1|image| computer_node_name = vcldev01
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|DataStructure.pm:_automethod(834)|data
> > > structure updated:
> > > $self->request_data->{reservation}{0}{computer}{SHORTNAME}
> > > |7018|1:1|image| computer_short_name = vcldev01
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|DataStructure.pm:_automethod(834)|data
> > > structure updated:
> > > $self->request_data->{reservation}{0}{computer}{IPaddress}
> > > |7018|1:1|image| computer_ip_address =
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 
> > > 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|Module.pm:create_mn_os_object(366)|VCL::Module::O
> > > S:
> > > :Linux::ManagementNode OS object created, address: 3fdf4b8
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|Module.pm:new(192)|VCL::image object
> > > created for state image, address: 3e02078
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|State.pm:initialize(86)|obtained a
> > > database handle for this state process, stored as $ENV{dbh}
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|State.pm:check_image_os(762)|no
> > > corrections need to be made to image OS: rh5image
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 
> > > 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|DataStructure.pm:is_parent_reservation(991)|retur
> > > ni
> > > ng true: parent reservation ID for this request: 1
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|utils.pm:rename_vcld_process(7098)|reservation
> > > count: 1
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|utils.pm:rename_vcld_process(7117)|PARENTIMAGE:
> > > 1
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|utils.pm:rename_vcld_process(7118)|SUBIMAGE: 0
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|utils.pm:rename_vcld_process(7136)|renamed
> > > process
> > > to 'vcld 1:1 image d6100a rh5image-rh66-v0 admin'
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 
> > > 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|DataStructure.pm:is_parent_reservation(991)|retur
> > > ni
> > > ng true: parent reservation ID for this request: 1
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 
> > > 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|DataStructure.pm:is_parent_reservation(991)|retur
> > > ni
> > > ng true: parent reservation ID for this request: 1
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 
> > > 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|Module.pm:create_os_object(298)|VCL::Module::OS::
> > > Li
> > > nux module loaded
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|Module.pm:create_mn_os_object(335)|management
> > > node
> > > OS object has already been created, address: 3fdf4b8, returning 1
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|Module.pm:new(196)|VCL::Module::OS::Linux object
> > > created for image rh5image-rh66-v0, address: 3fe23d8
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 
> > > 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|Module.pm:create_os_object(304)|VCL::Module::OS::
> > > Li
> > > nux OS object created for rh5image-rh66-v0, address: 3fe23d8
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|xCAT.pm:initialize(110)|XCATROOT
> > > environment variable is not set, using /opt/xcat
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|xCAT.pm:initialize(128)|xCAT root
> > > path
> > > found: /opt/xcat
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|xCAT.pm:initialize(130)|xCAT module
> > > initialized
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|xCAT2.pm:initialize(110)|XCATROOT
> > > environment variable is not set, using /opt/xcat
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|xCAT2.pm:initialize(128)|xCAT root
> > > path
> > > found: /opt/xcat
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|xCAT2.pm:initialize(130)|xCAT module
> > > initialized
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 
> > > 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|Module.pm:create_provisioning_object(420)|VCL::Mo
> > > du
> > > le::Provisioning::xCAT2 module loaded
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|Module.pm:create_mn_os_object(335)|management
> > > node
> > > OS object has already been created, address: 3fdf4b8, returning 1
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 
> > > 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|Module.pm:new(200)|VCL::Module::Provisioning::xCA
> > > T2
> > > object created for computer d6100a, address: 3fe2570
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|xCAT2.pm:initialize(110)|XCATROOT
> > > environment variable is not set, using /opt/xcat
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|xCAT2.pm:initialize(128)|xCAT root
> > > path
> > > found: /opt/xcat
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|xCAT2.pm:initialize(130)|xCAT module
> > > initialized
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 
> > > 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|Module.pm:create_provisioning_object(426)|VCL::Mo
> > > du
> > > le::Provisioning::xCAT2 provisioner object created for d6100a, address:
> > > 3fe2570
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|State.pm:initialize(126)|returning 1
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|vcld:make_new_child(565)|VCL::image
> > > object created and initialized
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|utils.pm:mail(1255)|SUCCESS --
> > > Sending
> > > mail To: evq...@fiu.edu (mailto:evq...@fiu.edu), VCL IMAGE Creation 
> > > Started: rh5image-rh66-v0
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|xCAT.pm:does_image_exist(2434)|image
> > > OS
> > > install type: partimage
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 
> > > 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|xCAT.pm:_get_image_repository_path(2910)|manageme
> > > nt
> > > node identifier argument was not specified
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 
> > > 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|xCAT.pm:_get_image_repository_path(2932)|attempti
> > > ng
> > > to determine repository path for image on vcldev01.p.fiu.edu:
> > > |7018|1:1|image| image id: 6
> > > |7018|1:1|image| OS name: rh5image
> > > |7018|1:1|image| OS type: linux
> > > |7018|1:1|image| OS install type: partimage
> > > |7018|1:1|image| OS source path: image
> > > |7018|1:1|image| architecture: x86_64
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|xCAT.pm:_get_image_repository_path(2996)|did not
> > > find any images under /images/linux_image/x86_64 on vcldev01.p.fiu.edu
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 
> > > 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|xCAT.pm:_get_image_repository_path(3006)|returnin
> > > g
> > > repository path for vcldev01.p.fiu.edu: /images/image/x86_64
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|xCAT.pm:does_image_exist(2444)|image
> > > repository path: /images/image/x86_64
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|utils.pm:run_command(9010)|executed
> > > command: du -c /images/image/x86_64/*rh5image-rh66-v0* 2>&1 | grep total
> > > 2>&1, pid: 7030, exit status: 1, output:
> > > |7018|1:1|image| 0 total
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|xCAT.pm:does_image_exist(2506)|image
> > > does NOT exist: rh5image-rh66-v0
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 
> > > 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|xCAT2.pm:_get_image_template_path(2084)|managemen
> > > t
> > > node identifier argument was not specified
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 
> > > 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|xCAT2.pm:_get_image_template_path(2115)|attemptin
> > > g
> > > to determine template path for image:
> > > |7018|1:1|image| image name: rh5image-rh66-v0
> > > |7018|1:1|image| OS install type: partimage
> > > |7018|1:1|image| OS source path: image
> > > |7018|1:1|image| xCAT 2.x OS source path: image
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 
> > > 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|xCAT2.pm:_get_image_template_path(2123)|returning
> > > :
> > > /opt/xcat/share/xcat/install/image
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|xCAT.pm:does_image_exist(2518)|template
> > > repository path for rh5image-rh66-v0: /opt/xcat/share/xcat/install/image
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|xCAT.pm:does_image_exist(2530)|template
> > > file does not exist:
> > > /opt/xcat/share/xcat/install/image/rh5image-rh66-v0.tmpl
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|xCAT.pm:does_image_exist(2570)|image
> > > rh5image-rh66-v0 does NOT exist on this management node
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|image.pm:process(145)|image
> > > rh5image-rh66-v0 does not exist in the repository
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|DataStructure.pm:_automethod(834)|data
> > > structure updated:
> > > $self->request_data->{reservation}{1}{image}{lastupdate}
> > > |7018|1:1|image| image_lastupdate = 2012-03-13 16:03:50
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|DataStructure.pm:_automethod(834)|data
> > > structure updated:
> > > $self->request_data->{reservation}{1}{imagerevision}{datecreated}
> > > |7018|1:1|image| imagerevision_date_created = 2012-03-13 16:03:50
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|image.pm:process(161)|calling
> > > provisioning module's capture() subroutine
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|xCAT2.pm:capture(776)|image=rh5image-rh66-v0,
> > > computer=d6100a
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|utils.pm:run_ssh_command(5380)|executing SSH
> > > command on d6100a:
> > > |7018|1:1|image| /usr/bin/ssh -i /etc/vcl/vcl.key -o
> > > StrictHostKeyChecking=no -l root -p 22 -x d6100a 'chown root
> > > currentimage.txt; chmod 777 currentimage.txt' 2>&1
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|utils.pm:run_ssh_command(5464)|run_ssh_command
> > > output:
> > > |7018|1:1|image| Warning: Permanently added 'd6100a,' (RSA) to
> > > the list of known hosts.
> > > |7018|1:1|image| Permission denied, please try again.
> > > |7018|1:1|image| Permission denied, please try again.
> > > |7018|1:1|image| Permission denied
> > > (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic,password).
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|utils.pm:run_ssh_command(5474)|SSH
> > > command executed on d6100a, command:
> > > |7018|1:1|image| /usr/bin/ssh -i /etc/vcl/vcl.key -o
> > > StrictHostKeyChecking=no -l root -p 22 -x d6100a 'chown root
> > > currentimage.txt; chmod 777 currentimage.txt' 2>&1
> > > |7018|1:1|image| returning (255, "Warning: Permanently added 'd6...")
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|utils.pm:write_currentimage_txt(5685)|updated
> > > ownership and permissions on currentimage.txt
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|utils.pm:run_ssh_command(5380)|executing SSH
> > > command on d6100a:
> > > |7018|1:1|image| /usr/bin/ssh -i /etc/vcl/vcl.key -o
> > > StrictHostKeyChecking=no -l root -p 22 -x d6100a 'echo -e
> > > 
> > > "rh5image-rh66-v0\r\nid=6\r\nprettyname=rh6\r\nimagerevision_id=6\r\nimag
> > > er
> > > evision_datecreated=2012-03-13
> > > 16:03:50\r\ncomputer_id=1\r\ncomputer_hostname=d6100a" >
> > > currentimage.txt
> > > && cat currentimage.txt' 2>&1
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|utils.pm:run_ssh_command(5464)|run_ssh_command
> > > output:
> > > |7018|1:1|image| Warning: Permanently added 'd6100a,' (RSA) to
> > > the list of known hosts.
> > > |7018|1:1|image| Permission denied, please try again.
> > > |7018|1:1|image| Permission denied, please try again.
> > > |7018|1:1|image| Permission denied
> > > (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic,password).
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|utils.pm:run_ssh_command(5474)|SSH
> > > command executed on d6100a, command:
> > > |7018|1:1|image| /usr/bin/ssh -i /etc/vcl/vcl.key -o
> > > StrictHostKeyChecking=no -l root -p 22 -x d6100a 'echo -e
> > > 
> > > "rh5image-rh66-v0\r\nid=6\r\nprettyname=rh6\r\nimagerevision_id=6\r\nimag
> > > er
> > > evision_datecreated=2012-03-13
> > > 16:03:50\r\ncomputer_id=1\r\ncomputer_hostname=d6100a" >
> > > currentimage.txt
> > > && cat currentimage.txt' 2>&1
> > > |7018|1:1|image| returning (255, "Warning: Permanently added 'd6...")
> > > |7018|1:1|image| ---- WARNING ----
> > > |7018|1:1|image| 2012-03-13
> > > 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|utils.pm:write_currentimage_txt(5699)|failed to
> > > create currentimage.txt file on d6100a:
> > > |7018|1:1|image| Warning: Permanently added 'd6100a,' (RSA) to
> > > the list of known hosts.
> > > |7018|1:1|image| Permission denied, please try again.
> > > |7018|1:1|image| Permission denied, please try again.
> > > |7018|1:1|image| Permission denied
> > > (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic,password).
> > > |7018|1:1|image| ( 0) utils.pm, write_currentimage_txt (line: 5699)
> > > |7018|1:1|image| (-1) xCAT2.pm, capture (line: 779)
> > > |7018|1:1|image| (-2) image.pm, process (line: 162)
> > > |7018|1:1|image| (-3) vcld, make_new_child (line: 568)
> > > |7018|1:1|image| (-4) vcld, main (line: 346)
> > > |7018|1:1|image| ---- WARNING ----
> > > |7018|1:1|image| 2012-03-13
> > > 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|xCAT2.pm:capture(783)|unable to update
> > > currentimage.txt on d6100a
> > > |7018|1:1|image| ( 0) xCAT2.pm, capture (line: 783)
> > > |7018|1:1|image| (-1) image.pm, process (line: 162)
> > > |7018|1:1|image| (-2) vcld, make_new_child (line: 568)
> > > |7018|1:1|image| (-3) vcld, main (line: 346)
> > > |7018|1:1|image| ---- WARNING ----
> > > |7018|1:1|image| 2012-03-13
> > > 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|image.pm:process(166)|rh5image-rh66-v0 image
> > > failed to be captured by provisioning module
> > > |7018|1:1|image| ( 0) image.pm, process (line: 166)
> > > |7018|1:1|image| (-1) vcld, make_new_child (line: 568)
> > > |7018|1:1|image| (-2) vcld, main (line: 346)
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 
> > > 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|DataStructure.pm:get_computer_private_ip_address(
> > > 15
> > > 81)|attempting to retrieve private IP address for computer: d6100a
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 
> > > 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|DataStructure.pm:get_computer_private_ip_address(
> > > 15
> > > 85)|retrieved contents of /etc/hosts on this management node, contains 9
> > > lines
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 
> > > 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|DataStructure.pm:get_computer_private_ip_address(
> > > 16
> > > 45)|returning IP address from /etc/hosts file:
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|utils.pm:is_inblockrequest(6163)|zero
> > > rows were returned from database select
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 
> > > 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|DataStructure.pm:get_image_affiliation_name(2035)
> > > |i
> > > mage owner id: 1
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|utils.pm:getnewdbh(2709)|database
> > > requested (information_schema) does not match handle stored in $ENV{dbh}
> > > (vcl:localhost)
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|utils.pm:getnewdbh(2760)|database
> > > handle stored in $ENV{dbh}
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 
> > > 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|DataStructure.pm:retrieve_user_data(1352)|attempt
> > > in
> > > g to retrieve and store data for user: user.id = '1'
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|utils.pm:getnewdbh(2709)|database
> > > requested (vcl) does not match handle stored in $ENV{dbh}
> > > (information_schema:localhost)
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|utils.pm:getnewdbh(2760)|database
> > > handle stored in $ENV{dbh}
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|DataStructure.pm:retrieve_user_data(1415)|data
> > > has
> > > been retrieved for user: admin (id: 1)
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:51|7018|1:1|image|utils.pm:mail(1255)|SUCCESS --
> > > Sending
> > > mail To: evq...@fiu.edu (mailto:evq...@fiu.edu), PROBLEM --
> > > 1:1|image|image.pm|d6100a|rh5image-rh66-v0|admin
> > > |7018|1:1|image| ---- CRITICAL ----
> > > |7018|1:1|image| 2012-03-13
> > > 
> > > 16:03:50|7018|1:1|image|image.pm:reservation_failed(385)|rh5image-rh66-v0
> > > image creation failed
> > > |7018|1:1|image| ( 0) image.pm, reservation_failed (line: 385)
> > > |7018|1:1|image| (-1) image.pm, process (line: 167)
> > > |7018|1:1|image| (-2) vcld, make_new_child (line: 568)
> > > |7018|1:1|image| (-3) vcld, main (line: 346)
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:51|7018|1:1|image|utils.pm:mail(1255)|SUCCESS --
> > > Sending
> > > mail To: root@localhost, VCL -- NOTICE DELAY Image Creation rh6
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:51|7018|1:1|image|utils.pm:mail(1255)|SUCCESS --
> > > Sending
> > > mail To: evq...@fiu.edu (mailto:evq...@fiu.edu), VCL -- NOTICE FAILED 
> > > Image Creation rh6
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 16:03:51|7018|1:1|image|utils.pm:update_request_state(1991)|request 1
> > > state updated to: maintenance, laststate to: image
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 16:03:51|7018|1:1|image|image.pm:reservation_failed(437)|request state
> > > set
> > > to maintenance, laststate to image
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 16:03:51|7018|1:1|image|utils.pm:update_computer_state(2033)|computer 1
> > > state updated to: maintenance
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 16:03:51|7018|1:1|image|image.pm:reservation_failed(445)|d6100a
> > > state set to maintenance
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 16:03:51|7018|1:1|image|image.pm:reservation_failed(452)|exiting
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:51|7018|1:1|image|State.pm:DESTROY(829)|VCL::image
> > > destructor called, address: 3e02078
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 
> > > 16:03:51|7018|1:1|image|utils.pm:delete_computerloadlog_reservation(6742)
> > > |r
> > > emoving computerloadlog entries matching loadstate = begin
> > > 2012-03-13 
> > > 
> > > 16:03:51|7018|1:1|image|utils.pm:delete_computerloadlog_reservation(6789)
> > > |d
> > > eleted rows from computerloadlog for reservation id=1
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:51|7018|1:1|image|State.pm:DESTROY(848)|number of
> > > database handles state process created: 3
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:51|7018|1:1|image|State.pm:DESTROY(876)|VCL::image
> > > process duration: 1 seconds
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:51|2012|vcld:REAPER(718)|VCL process exited for
> > > reservation 1, PID: 7018, signal: CHLD
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:51|2012|vcld:main(167)|lastcheckin time updated for
> > > management node 1: 2012-03-13 16:03:51
> > > 2012-03-13 16:03:56|2012|vcld:main(167)|lastcheckin time updated for
> > > management node 1: 2012-03-13 16:03:56
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > On 3/13/12 3:28 PM, "Evelio Quiros" <evq...@fiu.edu 
> > > (mailto:evq...@fiu.edu)> wrote:
> > > 
> > > > Hello All,
> > > > 
> > > > Ok, I assume that I must get xCAT working before VCL is involved.
> > > > So, following the instructions from the link below (thanks Andy), I
> > > > setup
> > > > xCAT 
> > > > on the management node and entered the information for my nodes (dell
> > > > 6100).
> > > > When I issued a command to remote install (rinstall), I get this error:
> > > > 
> > > > Error: Install image not found in /install/rh6.0/x86_64
> > > > Error: Some nodes failed to set up install resources, aborting
> > > > nodeset failure at /opt/xcat/bin/rinstall line 53.
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > So I did import the iso with the copycds command, and that seemed to be
> > > > ok.
> > > > I added the nodes to the various tables (nodelist, nodehm, mac).
> > > > 
> > > > I setup dns and dhcp for the internal network.
> > > > 
> > > > ** Second Question >> did I need to setup dhcp again if dhcp was
> > > > already
> > > > running on this VCL management node ?
> > > > 
> > > > Do I need to run rinstall, or should I just try to capture an installed
> > > > image ?
> > > > 
> > > > I guess I need some really basic information, thanks for your patience.
> > > > 
> > > > Regards,
> > > > Al Quiros
> > > > Florida International University
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > On 3/7/12 3:35 PM, "Andy Kurth" <andy_ku...@ncsu.edu 
> > > > (mailto:andy_ku...@ncsu.edu)> wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > > xCAT should be installed on the management node. It doesn't need to
> > > > > be installed on other machines. There are a few different xCAT
> > > > > installation instruction pages on their site. You may want to start
> > > > > with this simpler one:
> > > > > 
> > > > > http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/xcat/index.php?title=Basic_Instal
> > > > > l_
> > > > > D
> > > > > HCP
> > > > > 
> > > > > -Andy
> > > > > 
> > > > > On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 3:16 PM, Evelio Quiros <evq...@fiu.edu 
> > > > > (mailto:evq...@fiu.edu)> wrote:
> > > > > > Hello,
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > After working a while with VmWare images, we have started
> > > > > > experimenting
> > > > > > with
> > > > > > Xcat bare metal images. To accommodate the added level of complexity
> > > > > > with
> > > > > > Xcat, I created a separate development environment with VCL and some
> > > > > > dell
> > > > > > 6100 high density nodes. I have installed RHEL 6.1 with Xcat on all
> > > > > > the
> > > > > > nodes. Following the instructions on the doc page, I installed
> > > > > > partimage to
> > > > > > the xcat installation. I think its correct, except that these are 
> > > > > > not
> > > > > > IBM
> > > > > > blades, so I am unsure how to build a stateless image on this
> > > > > > hardware.
> > > > > > Just
> > > > > > attempting to capture the image "as-is" failed, and the error
> > > > > > messages
> > > > > > are
> > > > > > below. Is there any more documentation on this process, and how to
> > > > > > make
> > > > > > Xcat
> > > > > > work with VCL? Being new to Xcat, I guess that I am missing some
> > > > > > background
> > > > > > material on what is supposed to happen here. For example, the error
> > > > > > log
> > > > > > states that /opt/xcat does not exist, but it does exist on the node 
> > > > > > I
> > > > > > was
> > > > > > attempting to capture. Does Xcat need to be on the management node
> > > > > > too
> > > > > > ?
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > The information I am using is located at:
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/xcat/index.php?title=Setting_Up_
> > > > > > a_
> > > > > > L
> > > > > > inux_xCAT_Mgmt_Node
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > And
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > https://cwiki.apache.org/VCL/adding-support-for-partimage-and-partimag
> > > > > > e-
> > > > > > n
> > > > > > g-to-xcat-2x-unofficial.html
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > Any other information available ?
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > Thanks,
> > > > > > Al Quiros
> > > > > > Florida International University
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > **********************************************
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > Error message from my attempt at capturing the image below:
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > VCL::image object could not be created and initialized
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > > > > > --
> > > > > > time: 2012-03-07 14:49:31
> > > > > > caller: vcld:make_new_child(571)
> > > > > > ( 0) vcld, make_new_child (line: 571)
> > > > > > (-1) vcld, main (line: 346)
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > > > > > --
> > > > > > management node: vcldev01.p.fiu.edu
> > > > > > reservation PID: 12372
> > > > > > parent vcld PID: 2044
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > request ID: 1
> > > > > > reservation ID: 1
> > > > > > request state/laststate: image/image
> > > > > > request start time: 2012-03-07 14:49:30
> > > > > > request end time: 2012-03-07 15:49:30
> > > > > > for imaging: no
> > > > > > log ID: none
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > computer: 6100a
> > > > > > computer id: 1
> > > > > > computer type: blade
> > > > > > computer eth0 MAC address: <undefined>
> > > > > > computer eth1 MAC address: <undefined>
> > > > > > computer private IP address:
> > > > > > computer public IP address:
> > > > > > computer in block allocation: no
> > > > > > provisioning module: VCL::Module::Provisioning::xCAT2
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > image: rh5image-rh6xcat5-v0
> > > > > > image display name: rh6xcat
> > > > > > image ID: 5
> > > > > > image revision ID: 5
> > > > > > image size: 1450 MB
> > > > > > use Sysprep: yes
> > > > > > root access: yes
> > > > > > image owner ID: 1
> > > > > > image owner affiliation: Local
> > > > > > image revision date created: 2012-03-07 14:49:29
> > > > > > image revision production: yes
> > > > > > OS module: VCL::Module::OS::Linux
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > user: admin
> > > > > > user name: vcl admin
> > > > > > user ID: 1
> > > > > > user affiliation: Local
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > > > > > --
> > > > > > 2012-03-07 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|Module.pm:new(172)|set 'id' key
> > > > > > for
> > > > > > VCL::image object from arguments
> > > > > > 2012-03-07 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|Module.pm:new(172)|set 'PID' key
> > > > > > for
> > > > > > VCL::image object from arguments
> > > > > > 2012-03-07 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|Module.pm:new(172)|set 
> > > > > > 'DURATION'
> > > > > > key
> > > > > > for VCL::image object from arguments
> > > > > > 2012-03-07 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|Module.pm:new(172)|set 'PPID' 
> > > > > > key
> > > > > > for
> > > > > > VCL::image object from arguments
> > > > > > 2012-03-07 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|Module.pm:new(172)|set
> > > > > > 'datemodified'
> > > > > > key for VCL::image object from arguments
> > > > > > 2012-03-07 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|Module.pm:new(172)|set
> > > > > > 'RESERVATIONCOUNT' key for VCL::image object from arguments
> > > > > > 2012-03-07 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|Module.pm:new(172)|set 'end' key
> > > > > > for
> > > > > > VCL::image object from arguments
> > > > > > 2012-03-07 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|Module.pm:new(172)|set 'stateid'
> > > > > > key for
> > > > > > VCL::image object from arguments
> > > > > > 2012-03-07 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|Module.pm:new(172)|set
> > > > > > 'PARENTIMAGE' key
> > > > > > for VCL::image object from arguments
> > > > > > 2012-03-07 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|Module.pm:new(172)|set
> > > > > > 'checkuser'
> > > > > > key
> > > > > > for VCL::image object from arguments
> > > > > > 2012-03-07 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|Module.pm:new(172)|set 'preload'
> > > > > > key for
> > > > > > VCL::image object from arguments
> > > > > > 2012-03-07 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|Module.pm:new(172)|set
> > > > > > 'NOTICEINTERVAL'
> > > > > > key for VCL::image object from arguments
> > > > > > 2012-03-07 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|Module.pm:new(172)|set 'start'
> > > > > > key
> > > > > > for
> > > > > > VCL::image object from arguments
> > > > > > 2012-03-07 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|Module.pm:new(172)|set 'logid' 
> > > > > > key
> > > > > > for
> > > > > > VCL::image object from arguments
> > > > > > 2012-03-07
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|Module.pm:create_mn_os_object(361)|VCL::Modul
> > > > > > e:
> > > > > > :
> > > > > > OS::Linux::ManagementNode
> > > > > > module loaded
> > > > > > 2012-03-07
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|Module.pm:new(196)|VCL::Module::OS::Linux::Ma
> > > > > > na
> > > > > > g
> > > > > > ementNode
> > > > > > object created for image <not set>, address: 2417400
> > > > > > 2012-03-07 
> > > > > > 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|DataStructure.pm:_automethod(834)|data
> > > > > > structure updated:
> > > > > > $self->request_data->{reservation}{0}{computer}{hostname}
> > > > > > |12372|1:1|image| computer_hostname = vcldev01.p.fiu.edu
> > > > > > 2012-03-07 
> > > > > > 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|DataStructure.pm:_automethod(834)|data
> > > > > > structure updated:
> > > > > > $self->request_data->{reservation}{0}{computer}{NODENAME}
> > > > > > |12372|1:1|image| computer_node_name = vcldev01
> > > > > > 2012-03-07 
> > > > > > 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|DataStructure.pm:_automethod(834)|data
> > > > > > structure updated:
> > > > > > $self->request_data->{reservation}{0}{computer}{SHORTNAME}
> > > > > > |12372|1:1|image| computer_short_name = vcldev01
> > > > > > 2012-03-07 
> > > > > > 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|DataStructure.pm:_automethod(834)|data
> > > > > > structure updated:
> > > > > > $self->request_data->{reservation}{0}{computer}{IPaddress}
> > > > > > |12372|1:1|image| computer_ip_address =
> > > > > > 2012-03-07
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|Module.pm:create_mn_os_object(366)|VCL::Modul
> > > > > > e:
> > > > > > :
> > > > > > OS::Linux::ManagementNode
> > > > > > OS object created, address: 2417400
> > > > > > 2012-03-07 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|Module.pm:new(192)|VCL::image
> > > > > > object
> > > > > > created for state image, address: 223a460
> > > > > > 2012-03-07 
> > > > > > 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|State.pm:initialize(86)|obtained 
> > > > > > a
> > > > > > database handle for this state process, stored as $ENV{dbh}
> > > > > > 2012-03-07 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|State.pm:check_image_os(762)|no
> > > > > > corrections need to be made to image OS: rh5image
> > > > > > 2012-03-07
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|DataStructure.pm:is_parent_reservation(991)|r
> > > > > > et
> > > > > > u
> > > > > > rning
> > > > > > true: parent reservation ID for this request: 1
> > > > > > 2012-03-07
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|utils.pm:rename_vcld_process(7098)|reservatio
> > > > > > n
> > > > > > count: 1
> > > > > > 2012-03-07
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|utils.pm:rename_vcld_process(7117)|PARENTIMAG
> > > > > > E:
> > > > > > 1
> > > > > > 2012-03-07
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|utils.pm:rename_vcld_process(7118)|SUBIMAGE:
> > > > > >  
> > > > > > 0
> > > > > > 2012-03-07
> > > > > > 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|utils.pm:rename_vcld_process(7136)|renamed
> > > > > > process
> > > > > > to 'vcld 1:1 image 6100a rh5image-rh6xcat5-v0 admin'
> > > > > > 2012-03-07
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|DataStructure.pm:is_parent_reservation(991)|r
> > > > > > et
> > > > > > u
> > > > > > rning
> > > > > > true: parent reservation ID for this request: 1
> > > > > > 2012-03-07
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|DataStructure.pm:is_parent_reservation(991)|r
> > > > > > et
> > > > > > u
> > > > > > rning
> > > > > > true: parent reservation ID for this request: 1
> > > > > > 2012-03-07
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|Module.pm:create_os_object(298)|VCL::Module::
> > > > > > OS
> > > > > > :
> > > > > > :Linux
> > > > > > module loaded
> > > > > > 2012-03-07
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|Module.pm:create_mn_os_object(335)|management
> > > > > > node
> > > > > > OS object has already been created, address: 2417400, returning 1
> > > > > > 2012-03-07
> > > > > > 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|Module.pm:new(196)|VCL::Module::OS::Linux
> > > > > > object
> > > > > > created for image rh5image-rh6xcat5-v0, address: 241a3b0
> > > > > > 2012-03-07
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|Module.pm:create_os_object(304)|VCL::Module::
> > > > > > OS
> > > > > > :
> > > > > > :Linux
> > > > > > OS object created for rh5image-rh6xcat5-v0, address: 241a3b0
> > > > > > 2012-03-07 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|xCAT.pm:initialize(110)|XCATROOT
> > > > > > environment variable is not set, using /opt/xcat
> > > > > > |12372|1:1|image| ---- WARNING ----
> > > > > > |12372|1:1|image| 2012-03-07
> > > > > > 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|xCAT.pm:initialize(119)|unable to 
> > > > > > initialize
> > > > > > xCAT
> > > > > > module, /opt/xcat directory does not exist
> > > > > > |12372|1:1|image| ( 0) xCAT.pm, initialize (line: 119)
> > > > > > |12372|1:1|image| (-1) xCAT.pm, (eval) (line: 3239)
> > > > > > |12372|1:1|image| (-2) (eval 156), (eval) (line: 3)
> > > > > > |12372|1:1|image| (-3) base.pm, import (line: 91)
> > > > > > |12372|1:1|image| (-4) xCAT2.pm, BEGIN (line: 47)
> > > > > > |12372|1:1|image| (-5) xCAT.pm, (eval) (line: 0)
> > > > > > 2012-03-07 
> > > > > > 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|xCAT2.pm:initialize(110)|XCATROOT
> > > > > > environment variable is not set, using /opt/xcat
> > > > > > |12372|1:1|image| ---- WARNING ----
> > > > > > |12372|1:1|image| 2012-03-07
> > > > > > 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|xCAT2.pm:initialize(119)|unable to 
> > > > > > initialize
> > > > > > xCAT
> > > > > > module, /opt/xcat directory does not exist
> > > > > > |12372|1:1|image| ( 0) xCAT2.pm, initialize (line: 119)
> > > > > > |12372|1:1|image| (-1) xCAT2.pm, (eval) (line: 2178)
> > > > > > |12372|1:1|image| (-2) (eval 155), BEGIN (line: 2)
> > > > > > |12372|1:1|image| (-3) xCAT2.pm, (eval) (line: 0)
> > > > > > |12372|1:1|image| (-4) xCAT2.pm, (eval) (line: 0)
> > > > > > |12372|1:1|image| (-5) Module.pm, create_provisioning_object (line:
> > > > > > 415)
> > > > > > 2012-03-07
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|Module.pm:create_provisioning_object(420)|VCL
> > > > > > ::
> > > > > > M
> > > > > > odule::Provisioning::xCAT2
> > > > > > module loaded
> > > > > > 2012-03-07
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|Module.pm:create_mn_os_object(335)|management
> > > > > > node
> > > > > > OS object has already been created, address: 2417400, returning 1
> > > > > > 2012-03-07
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|Module.pm:new(200)|VCL::Module::Provisioning:
> > > > > > :x
> > > > > > C
> > > > > > AT2
> > > > > > object created for computer 6100a, address: 241a548
> > > > > > 2012-03-07 
> > > > > > 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|xCAT2.pm:initialize(110)|XCATROOT
> > > > > > environment variable is not set, using /opt/xcat
> > > > > > |12372|1:1|image| ---- WARNING ----
> > > > > > |12372|1:1|image| 2012-03-07
> > > > > > 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|xCAT2.pm:initialize(119)|unable to 
> > > > > > initialize
> > > > > > xCAT
> > > > > > module, /opt/xcat directory does not exist
> > > > > > |12372|1:1|image| ( 0) xCAT2.pm, initialize (line: 119)
> > > > > > |12372|1:1|image| (-1) Module.pm, new (line: 207)
> > > > > > |12372|1:1|image| (-2) Module.pm, create_provisioning_object (line: 
> > > > > > 423)
> > > > > > |12372|1:1|image| (-3) State.pm, initialize (line: 117)
> > > > > > |12372|1:1|image| (-4) Module.pm, new (line: 207)
> > > > > > |12372|1:1|image| (-5) vcld, make_new_child (line: 564)
> > > > > > |12372|1:1|image| ---- WARNING ----
> > > > > > |12372|1:1|image| 2012-03-07
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|Module.pm:create_provisioning_object(431)|pro
> > > > > > vi
> > > > > > s
> > > > > > ioning
> > > > > > object could not be created, returning 0
> > > > > > |12372|1:1|image| ( 0) Module.pm, create_provisioning_object (line: 
> > > > > > 431)
> > > > > > |12372|1:1|image| (-1) State.pm, initialize (line: 117)
> > > > > > |12372|1:1|image| (-2) Module.pm, new (line: 207)
> > > > > > |12372|1:1|image| (-3) vcld, make_new_child (line: 564)
> > > > > > |12372|1:1|image| (-4) vcld, main (line: 346)
> > > > > > |12372|1:1|image| ---- WARNING ----
> > > > > > |12372|1:1|image| 2012-03-07
> > > > > > 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|State.pm:initialize(118)|failed to create
> > > > > > provisioning object
> > > > > > |12372|1:1|image| ( 0) State.pm, initialize (line: 118)
> > > > > > |12372|1:1|image| (-1) Module.pm, new (line: 207)
> > > > > > |12372|1:1|image| (-2) vcld, make_new_child (line: 564)
> > > > > > |12372|1:1|image| (-3) vcld, main (line: 346)
> > > > > > 2012-03-07 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|State.pm:DESTROY(829)|VCL::image
> > > > > > destructor called, address: 223a460
> > > > > > 2012-03-07
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|utils.pm:delete_computerloadlog_reservation(6
> > > > > > 74
> > > > > > 2
> > > > > > )|removing
> > > > > > computerloadlog entries matching loadstate = begin
> > > > > > 2012-03-07
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|utils.pm:delete_computerloadlog_reservation(6
> > > > > > 78
> > > > > > 9
> > > > > > )|deleted
> > > > > > rows from computerloadlog for reservation id=1
> > > > > > 2012-03-07 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|State.pm:DESTROY(848)|number of
> > > > > > database
> > > > > > handles state process created: 1
> > > > > > 2012-03-07 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|State.pm:DESTROY(876)|VCL::image
> > > > > > process
> > > > > > duration: 0 seconds
> > > > > > 2012-03-07
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|DataStructure.pm:get_computer_private_ip_addr
> > > > > > es
> > > > > > s
> > > > > > (1581)|attempting
> > > > > > to retrieve private IP address for computer: 6100a
> > > > > > 2012-03-07
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|DataStructure.pm:get_computer_private_ip_addr
> > > > > > es
> > > > > > s
> > > > > > (1585)|retrieved
> > > > > > contents of /etc/hosts on this management node, contains 9 lines
> > > > > > 2012-03-07
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|DataStructure.pm:get_computer_private_ip_addr
> > > > > > es
> > > > > > s
> > > > > > (1645)|returning
> > > > > > IP address from /etc/hosts file:
> > > > > > 2012-03-07 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|utils.pm:getnewdbh(2703)|unable 
> > > > > > to
> > > > > > use
> > > > > > database handle stored in $ENV{dbh}
> > > > > > 2012-03-07 
> > > > > > 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|utils.pm:getnewdbh(2760)|database
> > > > > > handle
> > > > > > stored in $ENV{dbh}
> > > > > > 2012-03-07 
> > > > > > 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|utils.pm:is_inblockrequest(6163)|zero
> > > > > > rows were returned from database select
> > > > > > 2012-03-07
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|DataStructure.pm:get_image_affiliation_name(2
> > > > > > 03
> > > > > > 5
> > > > > > )|image
> > > > > > owner id: 1
> > > > > > 2012-03-07 
> > > > > > 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|utils.pm:getnewdbh(2709)|database
> > > > > > requested (information_schema) does not match handle stored in 
> > > > > > $ENV{dbh}
> > > > > > (vcl:localhost)
> > > > > > 2012-03-07 
> > > > > > 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|utils.pm:getnewdbh(2760)|database
> > > > > > handle
> > > > > > stored in $ENV{dbh}
> > > > > > 2012-03-07
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|DataStructure.pm:retrieve_user_data(1352)|att
> > > > > > em
> > > > > > p
> > > > > > ting
> > > > > > to retrieve and store data for user: user.id = '1'
> > > > > > 2012-03-07 
> > > > > > 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|utils.pm:getnewdbh(2709)|database
> > > > > > requested (vcl) does not match handle stored in $ENV{dbh}
> > > > > > (information_schema:localhost)
> > > > > > 2012-03-07 
> > > > > > 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|utils.pm:getnewdbh(2760)|database
> > > > > > handle
> > > > > > stored in $ENV{dbh}
> > > > > > 2012-03-07
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 14:49:31|12372|1:1|image|DataStructure.pm:retrieve_user_data(1415)|dat
> > > > > > a
> > > > > > has
> > > > > > been retrieved for user: admin (id: 1)
> > > > > 
> > > > 
> > > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > --
> > Dmitri Chebotarov
> > Virtual Computing Lab Systems Engineer, TSD - Ent Servers & Messaging
> > 223 Aquia Building, Ffx, MSN: 1B5
> > Phone: (703) 993-6175
> > Fax: (703) 993-3404

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