Hi Folks,

I think Tony from ECU asked about this before.

Has anyone worked with openstack http://openstack.org/ ?

I think integrating openstack provisioning into the VCL framework
would benefit VCL. It could also benefit openstack and their current
users. From what I understand, Openstack has a large commercial base
of users and could be a way to expose VCL to more commercial users.

Unless I'm wrong, currently openstack doesn't provide a self-service
interface for users to VDI or clusters, nor does it provide bare-metal
loads.  VCL with xCAT could provide that for that community in a short

Is there anyone interested in investigating and working on an
openstack provisioning module ?  I don't think it will take a huge
amount of work, one would need to know openstack and how to add in a
VCL provisioning module. I'd be willing to assist but would need
someone to take the lead on it.


I know this is a development question, but also felt this is big
enough to include folks on the vcl-user list.


Aaron Peeler
Program Manager
Virtual Computing Lab
NC State University

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