thanks.  i'm not sure i want to blow what i have configured away.  i have a colleague working on this with me who is pretty knowledgeable with mysql.  i'm sure i can get him to help me fix these up.  this has also convinced me to install phpmyadmin to simplify things in situations like this.

On 06/25/2012 10:31 AM, Mike Haudenschild wrote:
Hi Will --

The MAC address range Mike identified below is the best to use.  ESXi expects any manually-assigned MAC addresses to fall within the range  00:50:56:00:yy:zz and 00:50:56:3F:yy:zz [1].  (Note these are manually-assigned from ESXi's perspective, not VCL's perspective.  VCL generates a VMX file with the MAC addresses, and ESXi just accepts those addresses.)

In 2.2.1 you must use the "multiple computers" option for adding VMs, as that screen provides a space to enter the starting MAC address.

Note that VCL iterates the private and public MAC addresses starting with the address you specify.  If you enter 00:50:56:00:00:01 as the starting address, VCL will create computers as follows:

VM1 private interface (eth0): 00:50:56:00:00:01
VM1 public interface (eth1): 00:50:56:00:00:02
VM2 eth0: 00:50:56:00:00:03
VM2 eth1: 00:50:56:00:00:04

If you've already added VMs via the single-add-computer screen in VCL, you'll need to either abandon them or use an SQL client to edit the "computer" table and assign them MAC addresses. [2]  This should no longer be an issue in 2.3. [3]


Mike Haudenschild
Education Systems Manager
Longsight Group
(740) 599-5005 x809

On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 9:58 AM, Michael Jinks <> wrote:
Hi Will.

I believe that VCL requires manually assigning MAC addresses when you
generate the VM records -- you must use the multi-add page under "Add
Computers", and have it assign a range of MAC addresses.

Note that VMware uses two ranges of MAC addresses: one range for those
it auto-generates, and one for those assigned by the user.  I believe
that VCL sets the MAC address of the VM at each deployment time, which
would mean that you can't just let VMware generate the MACs and then
list them in the database afterward; you must use something from the
manual range.

We chose two ranges under 00:50:56:xx:xx:xx, one for each of our private
and public-facing net segments.

I've read at least one doc that refers to this being the "easiest" way
to set up your VM network, but after lots of experimenting I think it's
actually the only way.

Good luck,

On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 09:13:29AM -0400, William Robinson wrote:
> hi all,
> new to this list.  i have started setting up vcl here and clemson university and
> this thread has touched on one of the questions i had in trying to do so.  do i
> assign mac addresses based on what esxi generates?  if not, how do i map those
> correctly?  thanks.
> will
> On 06/20/2012 10:16 AM, Josh Thompson wrote:
> > Hash: SHA1
> >
> > Michael,
> >
> > Unfortunately, yes, in 2.2.1, you can only set MAC addresses via the add
> > multiple computers page.  You'll need to set them in the database.  This is
> > fixed in 2.3.
> >
> > Josh
> >
> > On Wednesday, June 20, 2012 9:12:52 AM Michael Jinks wrote:
> >> Thanks Aaron.
> >>
> >> Ah, yes.  It didn't occur to me that we'd have to have MAC addresses
> >> defined for a machine we're capturing *from*.  I figured, well, it's
> >> running and has IP addresses...
> >>
> >> At any rate, I'm looking around the UI and I can't find any page that
> >> will let me enter a MAC address for an existing computer record.  Is
> >> this something I have to do by hand in the database?
> >>
> >> On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 08:46:40AM -0400, Aaron Peeler wrote:
> >>> Hello Michael,
> >>>
> >>> One thing that stands out in the log is that your MAC addresses are not
> >>> defined. computer eth0 MAC address: <undefined>
> >>> computer eth1 MAC address: <undefined>
> >>>
> >>> This will be needed to correctly create the vmx file and thus get an
> >>> address from the private dhcp server that is should be running on your
> >>> management node.
> >>>
> >>> Secondly also make sure you have the dhcp server setup on your
> >>> management node for the private network.
> >>>
> >>> Aaron
> >>>
> >>> On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 5:53 PM, Michael Jinks <>
> > wrote:
> >>>> Hi, all.
> >>>>
> >>>> Trying to resurrect a thread I started on Friday, subject 'Image capture
> >>>> succeeds, then "fails"'. ?Mike Haudenschild helped me narrow down the
> >>>> problem but so far I haven't been able to find a cause or a fix.
> >>>>
> >>>> I'm trying to capture my first Linux VM. ?Things go along okay through
> >>>> the capture stage, but (thanks Mike) we fail when VCL tries to reserve
> >>>> and deploy the new image.
> >>>>
> >>>> The critical message from the log appears to be:
> >>>>
> >>>> ?|17491|19:19|reload| ---- WARNING ----
> >>>> ?|17491|19:19|reload| 2012-06-19
> >>>> ?14:10:22|17491|19:19|reload||failed to prepare vmx
> >>>> file for vcl-linux-template-2-bak on VM host: vcl0001
> >>>> ?|17491|19:19|reload| ( 0), load (line: 395)
> >>>> ?|17491|19:19|reload| (-1), reload_image (line: 618)
> >>>> ?|17491|19:19|reload| (-2), process (line: 248)
> >>>> ?|17491|19:19|reload| (-3) vcld, make_new_child (line: 568)
> >>>> ?|17491|19:19|reload| (-4) vcld, main (line: 346)
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Further down, I'll paste in a complete copy of the log mail I got from
> >>>> this attempt.
> >>>>
> >>>> Our VM storage settings for this VM host are:
> >>>>
> >>>> ?Repository Path: ? ? ? /vmfs/volumes/nfs-vcl-templates
> >>>> ?Data Store Path: ? ? ? /vmfs/volumes/T2_6045_dev_VCL_ds01
> >>>> ?VM Path: ? ? ? /vmfs/volumes/T2_6045_dev_VCL_ds01
> >>>>
> >>>> (Note Data Store and VM are explicitly the same; we've also had VM Path
> >>>> set to "(empty)" with no apparent difference in behavior.)
> >>>>
> >>>> Both of those paths are writable on the hypervisor. ?During capture, a
> >>>> VM directory appears in both locations. ?In the directory under the
> >>>> Repository path, we have many vmdk files, sizes ranging from 842M to
> >>>> 1.5k, with names like:
> >>>>
> >>>> ?vmwarelinux-linuxtemplate2v1226-v0-s001.vmdk
> >>>> ?vmwarelinux-linuxtemplate2v1226-v0-s002.vmdk
> >>>> ?vmwarelinux-linuxtemplate2v1226-v0-s003.vmdk
> >>>> ?[...]
> >>>> ?vmwarelinux-linuxtemplate2v1226-v0-s016.vmdk
> >>>> ?vmwarelinux-linuxtemplate2v1226-v0.vmdk
> >>>>
> >>>> My first guess is that we have one vmdk file for each attempted capture,
> >>>> and this is a series of xdiffs on the original?
> >>>>
> >>>> In the Data Store/VM directory, we have:
> >>>>
> >>>> ?# pwd
> >>>> ?/vmfs/volumes/T2_6045_dev_VCL_ds01/vmwarelinux-linuxtemplate2v1226-v0
> >>>> ?# ls -lh
> >>>> ?-rw------- ? ?1 root ?root ? 30.0G Jun 19 20:12
> >>>> vmwarelinux-linuxtemplate2v1226-v0-flat.vmdk ?-rw------- ? ?1 root
> >>>> ?root ? ? 527 Jun 19 20:12 vmwarelinux-linuxtemplate2v1226-v0.vmdk
> >>>>
> >>>> So, it seems that those locations are accessible and writable, and being
> >>>> written. ?What else might cause the vmx file prep to fail? ?I went to
> >>>> line 395, but that's a call to a subroutine, prepare_vmx(),
> >>>> which is a fairly lengthy chunk of code and doesn't appear to be
> >>>> dropping any breadcrumbs as it runs, only the failure message when it
> >>>> exits. ?So stepping through that without guidance is going to be a
> >>>> challenge.
> >>>>
> >>>> Meanwhile we've also started trying to capture a Windows image. ?That's
> >>>> dying too, but with a different set of error messages. ?I'll post that
> >>>> under separate cover.
> >>>>
> >>>> Thanks for any insight. ?Complete log message follows.
> >>>> -m
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> reservation failed on vcl-linux-template-2-bak: process failed after
> >>>> trying to load or make available
> >>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> >>>> - time: 2012-06-19 14:10:22
> >>>> caller:
> >>>> ( 0), reservation_failed (line: 213)
> >>>> (-1), process (line: 298)
> >>>> (-2) vcld, make_new_child (line: 568)
> >>>> (-3) vcld, main (line: 346)
> >>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >>>> management node:
> >>>> reservation PID: 17491
> >>>> parent vcld PID: 2491
> >>>>
> >>>> request ID: 19
> >>>> reservation ID: 19
> >>>> request state/laststate: reload/image
> >>>> request start time: 2012-06-19 14:10:12
> >>>> request end time: 2012-06-19 14:40:12
> >>>> for imaging: no
> >>>> log ID: none
> >>>>
> >>>> computer: vcl-linux-template-2-bak
> >>>> computer id: 7
> >>>> computer type: virtualmachine
> >>>> computer eth0 MAC address: <undefined>
> >>>> computer eth1 MAC address: <undefined>
> >>>> computer private IP address:
> >>>> computer public IP address:
> >>>> computer in block allocation: no
> >>>> provisioning module: VCL::Module::Provisioning::VMware::VMware
> >>>>
> >>>> vm host: vcl0001
> >>>> vm host ID: 1
> >>>> vm host computer ID: 1
> >>>> vm profile: VMware ESXi - IT Services
> >>>> vm profile VM path: /vmfs/volumes/T2_6045_dev_VCL_ds01
> >>>> vm profile repository path: /vmfs/volumes/nfs-vcl-templates
> >>>> vm profile datastore path: /vmfs/volumes/T2_6045_dev_VCL_ds01
> >>>> vm profile disk type: localdisk
> >>>>
> >>>> image: vmwarelinux-linuxtemplate2v1226-v0
> >>>> image display name: linux-template-2v12
> >>>> image ID: 26
> >>>> image revision ID: 22
> >>>> image size: 30720 MB
> >>>> use Sysprep: yes
> >>>> root access: yes
> >>>> image owner ID: 1
> >>>> image owner affiliation: Local
> >>>> image revision date created: 2012-06-19 14:08:20
> >>>> image revision production: yes
> >>>> OS module: VCL::Module::OS::Linux
> >>>>
> >>>> user: vclreload
> >>>> user name: vcl reload
> >>>> user ID: 2
> >>>> user affiliation: Local
> >>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >>>> 2012-06-19
> >>>> 14:10:20|17491|19:19|reload||retrie
> >>>> ved the size of the image from the datastore on the VM host:
> >>>> 32,212,255,247> >
> >>>> 2012-06-19 14:10:20|17491|19:19|reload|
> >|image size retrieved from both the image
> > repository and VM host datastore:
> >>>> |17491|19:19|reload| image repository: 2,398,356,996
> >>>> |17491|19:19|reload| VM host datastore: 32,212,255,247
> >>>>
> >>>> 2012-06-19 14:10:20|17491|19:19|reload|
> >|size of vmwarelinux-linuxtemplate2v1226-
> > v0 image:
> >>>> |17491|19:19|reload| 32,212,255,247 bytes
> >>>> |17491|19:19|reload| 30,720 MB
> >>>> |17491|19:19|reload| 30.00 GB
> >>>>
> >>>> 2012-06-19
> >>>> 14:10:20|17491|19:19|reload|
> >>>> red(4713)|8053063811 additional bytes required for REDO files because VM
> >>>> disk mode is NOT persistent> >
> >>>> 2012-06-19 14:10:20|17491|19:19|reload|
> >|estimate of additional
> > space required for the vmx directory:
> >>>> |17491|19:19|reload| vmem/vswp file: 536,870,912 bytes, 512.0 MB, 0.50
> >>>> |GB
> >>>> |17491|19:19|reload| redo files: 8,053,063,811 bytes, 7,680.0 MB, 7.50
> >>>> |GB
> >>>> |17491|19:19|reload| total: 8,589,934,723 bytes, 8,192.0 MB, 8.00 GB
> >>>>
> >>>> 2012-06-19
> >>>> 14:10:20|17491|19:19|reload||'/vmfs/volumes/T
> >>>> 2_6045_dev_VCL_ds01/vmwarelinux-linuxtemplate2v1226-v0/vmwarelinux-linux
> >>>> template2v1226-v0.vmdk' exists on vcl0001, files: 1, directories: 0,
> >>>> links: 0 2012-06-19
> >>>> 14:10:20|17491|19:19|reload||VM
> >>>> profile vmdisk is set to 'localdisk', attempting to retrieve image size
> >>>> from image repository 2012-06-19
> >>>> 14:10:21|17491|19:19|reload||'/vmfs/volumes/n
> >>>> fs-vcl-templates' exists on vcl0001, files: 0, directories: 0, links: 1
> >>>> 2012-06-19
> >>>> 14:10:21|17491|19:19|reload|
> >>>> 485)|image repository is mounted on VM host vcl0001:
> >>>> /vmfs/volumes/nfs-vcl-templates 2012-06-19
> >>>> 14:10:21|17491|19:19|reload||checki
> >>>> ng size of image in image repository mounted on VM host:
> >>>> vcl0001:/vmfs/volumes/nfs-vcl-templates> >
> >>>> 2012-06-19 14:10:21|17491|19:19|reload||size
> > of '/vmfs/volumes/nfs-vcl-templates/vmwarelinux-linuxtemplate2v1226-
> > v0/vmwarelinux-linuxtemplate2v1226-v0*.vmdk' on vcl0001:
> >>>> |17491|19:19|reload| used: 2,398,356,996 bytes, 2,287.3 MB, 2.23 GB
> >>>> |17491|19:19|reload| allocated: 3,605,390,848 bytes, 3,438.4 MB, 3.36 GB
> >>>>
> >>>> 2012-06-19 14:10:21|17491|19:19|reload||size
> > of '/vmfs/volumes/T2_6045_dev_VCL_ds01/vmwarelinux-linuxtemplate2v1226-
> > v0/vmwarelinux-linuxtemplate2v1226-v0*.vmdk' on vcl0001:
> >>>> |17491|19:19|reload| used: 32,212,255,247 bytes, 30,720.0 MB, 30.00 GB
> >>>> |17491|19:19|reload| allocated: 32,212,320,256 bytes, 30,720.1 MB, 30.00
> >>>> |GB
> >>>>
> >>>> 2012-06-19
> >>>> 14:10:21|17491|19:19|reload||retrie
> >>>> ved the size of the image from the datastore on the VM host:
> >>>> 32,212,255,247> >
> >>>> 2012-06-19 14:10:21|17491|19:19|reload|
> >|image size retrieved from both the image
> > repository and VM host datastore:
> >>>> |17491|19:19|reload| image repository: 2,398,356,996
> >>>> |17491|19:19|reload| VM host datastore: 32,212,255,247
> >>>>
> >>>> 2012-06-19 14:10:21|17491|19:19|reload|
> >|size of vmwarelinux-linuxtemplate2v1226-
> > v0 image:
> >>>> |17491|19:19|reload| 32,212,255,247 bytes
> >>>> |17491|19:19|reload| 30,720 MB
> >>>> |17491|19:19|reload| 30.00 GB
> >>>>
> >>>> 2012-06-19
> >>>> 14:10:21|17491|19:19|reload|
> >>>> ired(4657)|no additional space required for vmdk files because they
> >>>> already exist on VM host 2012-06-19
> >>>> 14:10:21|17491|19:19|reload|
> >>>> ired(4662)|VM requires appoximately 0 additional bytes (0 MB, 0 GB) of
> >>>> disk space on the VM host for the vmdk directory 2012-06-19
> >>>> 14:10:21|17491|19:19|reload||eno
> >>>> ugh space is available on shared vmx/vmdk volume on VM host vcl0001:
> >>>> '/vmfs/volumes/T2_6045_dev_VCL_ds01'> >
> >>>> |17491|19:19|reload| vmx additional space required: ? ? ? ?
> >>>> |?8,589,934,723 bytes, 8,192.0 MB, 8.00 GB 17491|19:19|reload| vmdk
> >>>> |additional space required: ? ? ? ? 0 bytes, 0.0 MB, 0.00 GB
> >>>> |17491|19:19|reload| total additional space required: ? ? ?
> >>>> |?8,589,934,723 bytes, 8,192.0 MB, 8.00 GB 17491|19:19|reload| shared
> >>>> |vmx/vmdk volume available space: 1,042,905,300,992 bytes, 994,592.0
> >>>> |MB, 971.28 GB> >
> >>>> 2012-06-19
> >>>> 14:10:21|17491|19:19|reload||manageme
> >>>> nt node OS object has already been created, address: 3997f10, returning
> >>>> 1 2012-06-19
> >>>> 14:10:21|17491|19:19|reload||VCL::Module::Semaphore
> >>>> object created, address: 3cd4360 2012-06-19
> >>>> 14:10:21|17491|19:19|reload||attempting
> >>>> to open lockfile, maximum of 1200 seconds 2012-06-19
> >>>> 14:10:21|17491|19:19|reload||attempt 1:
> >>>> attempting to open lockfile 2012-06-19
> >>>> 14:10:21|17491|19:19|reload||opened and
> >>>> obtained an exclusive lock on file:
> >>>> /tmp/vcl0001-vmfs-volumes-T2_6045_dev_VCL_ds01-vmwarelinux-linuxtemplat
> >>>> e2v1226-v0.lock 2012-06-19
> >>>> 14:10:21|17491|19:19|reload||attempting
> >>>> to open lockfile, code returned true 2012-06-19
> >>>> 14:10:21|17491|19:19|reload||created
> >>>> Semaphore object, memory address: 3cd4360 2012-06-19
> >>>> 14:10:22|17491|19:19|reload||'/vmfs/volumes/T
> >>>> 2_6045_dev_VCL_ds01/vmwarelinux-linuxtemplate2v1226-v0/vmwarelinux-linux
> >>>> template2v1226-v0.vmdk' exists on vcl0001, files: 1, directories: 0,
> >>>> links: 0 2012-06-19
> >>>> 14:10:22|17491|19:19|reload||VM is not
> >>>> persistent and nonpersistent vmdk file already exists on VM host
> >>>> vcl0001:
> >>>> /vmfs/volumes/T2_6045_dev_VCL_ds01/vmwarelinux-linuxtemplate2v1226-v0/v
> >>>> mwarelinux-linuxtemplate2v1226-v0.vmdk 2012-06-19
> >>>> 14:10:22|17491|19:19|reload||deleted
> >>>> file:
> >>>> /tmp/vcl0001-vmfs-volumes-T2_6045_dev_VCL_ds01-vmwarelinux-linuxtemplat
> >>>> e2v1226-v0.lock 2012-06-19
> >>>> 14:10:22|17491|19:19|reload||destroyed
> >>>> Semaphore object, memory address: 3cd4360 2012-06-19
> >>>> 14:10:22|17491|19:19|reload||inserted
> >>>> computer=7, transfervm, copied vmwarelinux-linuxtemplate2v1226-v0 to
> >>>> vcl-linux-template-2-bak 2012-06-19
> >>>> 14:10:22|17491|19:19|reload||image ram
> >>>> setting is too low: 0 MB, 512 MB will be used 2012-06-19
> >>>> 14:10:22|17491|19:19|reload||ret
> >>>> rieved default VM configuration for OS: linux-x86_64> >
> >>>> |17491|19:19|reload| : {
> >>>> |17491|19:19|reload| : ? "ethernet-virtualDev" => "e1000",
> >>>> |17491|19:19|reload| : ? "guestOS" => "otherlinux-64",
> >>>> |17491|19:19|reload| : ? "scsi-virtualDev" => "lsiLogic"
> >>>> |17491|19:19|reload| : }
> >>>> |17491|19:19|reload| ---- WARNING ----
> >>>> |17491|19:19|reload| 2012-06-19
> >>>> |14:10:22|17491|19:19|reload||correspo
> >>>> |nding data has not been initialized for get_computer_eth0_mac_address:
> >>>> |$self->request_data->{reservation}{19}{computer}{eth0macaddress}
> >>>> |17491|19:19|reload| ( 0), _automethod (line: 812)
> >>>> |17491|19:19|reload| (-1), __ANON__ (line: 80)
> >>>> |17491|19:19|reload| (-2), prepare_vmx (line: 1457)
> >>>> |17491|19:19|reload| (-3), load (line: 394)
> >>>> |17491|19:19|reload| (-4), reload_image (line: 618)
> >>>> |17491|19:19|reload| (-5), process (line: 248)
> >>>> |17491|19:19|reload| ---- WARNING ----
> >>>> |17491|19:19|reload| 2012-06-19
> >>>> |14:10:22|17491|19:19|reload||failed to prepare vmx
> >>>> |file for vcl-linux-template-2-bak on VM host: vcl0001
> >>>> |17491|19:19|reload| ( 0), load (line: 395)
> >>>> |17491|19:19|reload| (-1), reload_image (line: 618)
> >>>> |17491|19:19|reload| (-2), process (line: 248)
> >>>> |17491|19:19|reload| (-3) vcld, make_new_child (line: 568)
> >>>> |17491|19:19|reload| (-4) vcld, main (line: 346)
> >>>> |17491|19:19|reload| ---- WARNING ----
> >>>> |17491|19:19|reload| 2012-06-19
> >>>> |14:10:22|17491|19:19|reload||vmwarelinux-linux
> >>>> |template2v1226-v0 failed to load on vcl-linux-template-2-bak, returning
> >>>> |17491|19:19|reload| ( 0), reload_image (line: 623)
> >>>> |17491|19:19|reload| (-1), process (line: 248)
> >>>> |17491|19:19|reload| (-2) vcld, make_new_child (line: 568)
> >>>> |17491|19:19|reload| (-3) vcld, main (line: 346)
> >>>>
> >>>> 2012-06-19
> >>>> 14:10:22|17491|19:19|reload||inserted
> >>>> computer=7, loadimagefailed, vmwarelinux-linuxtemplate2v1226-v0 failed
> >>>> to load on vcl-linux-template-2-bak> >
> >>>> |17491|19:19|reload| ---- WARNING ----
> >>>> |17491|19:19|reload| 2012-06-19
> >>>> |14:10:22|17491|19:19|reload||failed to load
> >>>> |vcl-linux-template-2-bak with vmwarelinux-linuxtemplate2v1226-v0
> >>>> |17491|19:19|reload| ( 0), process (line: 295)
> >>>> |17491|19:19|reload| (-1) vcld, make_new_child (line: 568)
> >>>> |17491|19:19|reload| (-2) vcld, main (line: 346)
> >>>>
> >>>> 2012-06-19
> >>>> 14:10:22|17491|19:19|reload|
> >>>> 05)|attempting to retrieve current state of computer
> >>>> vcl-linux-template-2-bak from the database 2012-06-19
> >>>> 14:10:22|17491|19:19|reload|
> >>>> 36)|retrieved current state of computer vcl-linux-template-2-bak from
> >>>> the database: reloading 2012-06-19
> >>>> 14:10:22|17491|19:19|reload||data
> >>>> structure updated:
> >>>> $self->request_data->{reservation}{19}{computer}{state}{name}> >
> >>>> |17491|19:19|reload| computer_state_name = reloading
> >>>>
> >>>> 2012-06-19
> >>>> 14:10:22|17491|19:19|reload|
> >>>> dress(1581)|attempting to retrieve private IP address for computer:
> >>>> vcl-linux-template-2-bak 2012-06-19
> >>>> 14:10:22|17491|19:19|reload|
> >>>> dress(1585)|retrieved contents of /etc/hosts on this management node,
> >>>> contains 18 lines 2012-06-19
> >>>> 14:10:22|17491|19:19|reload|
> >>>> dress(1645)|returning IP address from /etc/hosts file:
> >>>> 2012-06-19
> >>>> 14:10:22|17491|19:19|reload||zero rows
> >>>> were returned from database select 2012-06-19
> >>>> 14:10:22|17491|19:19|reload|
> >>>> (2035)|image owner id: 1 2012-06-19
> >>>> 14:10:22|17491|19:19|reload||database requested
> >>>> (information_schema) does not match handle stored in $ENV{dbh}
> >>>> (vcl: 2012-06-19
> >>>> 14:10:22|17491|19:19|reload||database handle
> >>>> stored in $ENV{dbh} 2012-06-19
> >>>> 14:10:22|17491|19:19|reload||a
> >>>> ttempting to retrieve and store data for user: = '1' 2012-06-19
> >>>> 14:10:22|17491|19:19|reload||database requested
> >>>> (vcl) does not match handle stored in $ENV{dbh}
> >>>> (information_schema: 2012-06-19
> >>>> 14:10:22|17491|19:19|reload||database handle
> >>>> stored in $ENV{dbh} 2012-06-19
> >>>> 14:10:22|17491|19:19|reload||d
> >>>> ata has been retrieved for user: admin (id: 1)
> > - --
> > - -------------------------------
> > Josh Thompson
> > VCL Developer
> > North Carolina State University
> >
> > my GPG/PGP key can be found at
> >
> > All electronic mail messages in connection with State business which
> > are sent to or received by this account are subject to the NC Public
> > Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.
> > Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (GNU/Linux)
> >
> > DukAn2Jf9bCwqoObueZtHRDydTevhMX1
> > =ucyU
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> >
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> >

Michael Jinks :: :: 773-469-9688
University of Chicago IT Services

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