On Wed, Oct 01, 2008 at 03:14:12PM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
> ,----
> |     base_dir=$(git-rev-parse --show-cdup 2>/dev/null) || return 1
> |     if [[ -n "$base_dir" ]]; then
> |         base_dir=$(readlink -f "$base_dir")
> |     else
> |         base_dir=$PWD
> |     fi
> `----
>         Then it can explicitly look for $base_dir/.gitmodules, and for
>  path = debian in there, to see if it is a module (alternately, simply
>  look for $base_dir/debian/.git, which is less clever, but still works).
>         Then it can just cd $base_dir/debian/, and gather more things to
>  add. The problem probably is keeping track of a second set of commits;
>  we need not just the build branch, we now need a ./debian submodule
>  branch,
Sure, but that's doable.

>         I would code this up, but I would first have to write up git-dch
>  in perl.
I've added #500865 for that. It's not very high on my todo list, but
maybe somebody else comes up with a patch.
 -- Guido

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