En/na Rolf Ahrenberg ha escrit:
> On Mon, 3 Sep 2007, Luca Olivetti wrote:
>> why don't you take maintainership of the plugin, release a full tarball,
>> and be done with it?
> Because I don't want it. The plugin needs a complete rewrite and there's 
> no point to do it before Klaus has integrated necessary parts into VDR's 
> core (OSD handling, subtitles menu/key, ..) 

...subtitles recording...

> that's hopefully next sunday 
> :) I don't even had any ttxtsubs channels available for years and been 
> just maintaining the plugin for my friends by doing as little as it 
> requires... and besides, I've been getting those damn bug reports 
> already, but been able to reject them by saying I'm not the maintainer!

fair enough

> I'd like to see the ttxtsubs (and closed captions) integrated into core 
> VDR before the next stable release as they are IMO essential features 
> that should work out-of-box.

I hope Klaus is listening ;-)


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