
Klaus Schmidinger schrieb:

> Looks like it is the file size.
> I have now changed the line
>   mpeg2enc -f 7 -T 90 -F 3 -np -a 2 -v 0 -o "$TMP2"
> to
>   mpeg2enc -f 7 -T 40 -F 3 -np -a 2 -v 0 -o "$TMP2"
> so that the resulting file is about the same size as yours, and now
> my images also are smooth. However, this most likely means that the
> picture resolution is now reduced.
> Maybe sending a large I-frame continuously causes trouble in the FF DVB cards.
> Is there a way to generate a sequence of one (large) I-frame, followed
> by some number of P-frames, which indicate that there is no change in
> the image data? Like creating an MPEG sequence from a set of still
> images, where all stills are the same.

Hhm, if you set -n 3 for ppmtoy4m, mpeg2enc should detect, that there
are no changes.

Dipl.-Inform. (FH) Reinhard Nissl

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