
Klaus Schmidinger schrieb:

>> Do you get the same jagged images when editing cutting marks? Most
>> likely such an I frame isn't larger than 40 KB.
> Yes, they are smooth for a brief moment, and then get jagged.

I recall this behavior when I had a FF card for testing. Maybe it's a
feature to stop flickering one pixel high horizontal lines in still
images by doubling one field of the frame. Maybe there exists a switch
to turn this feature off.

You've tried to repeat an I frame forever. Try to remove the sequence
end code (00 00 01 B7) from the end of the file before mplexing and the
MPEG program end code (00 00 01 B9) from the file after mplexing. Maybe
remove everything up to the first video PES packet from the final file.

Dipl.-Inform. (FH) Reinhard Nissl

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