Detlef Heine kirjoitti:
> Hallo,
> yum MUST disable RTC-Wakeup in the BIOS of your motherboard. In my case I 
> MUST write the wakeuptime 
> twice:
> example:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> if [ ! -z $1 ]; then
>    newtime=$(($1 - 60 ))   # 1 minutes earlier
>    logger "VDR-Timer: $1"
>    logger "BIOS-Timer: $newtime"
>    echo $(/bin/unix2iso8601 -u $newtime) >/proc/acpi/alarm
>    echo $(/bin/unix2iso8601 -u $newtime) >/proc/acpi/alarm
>    logger "ACPI-Read: $(cat /proc/acpi/alarm)"
> else
>    logger "VDR-Timer: keine Zeitübergabe"
> fi
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> dhe.

So some say wakeup must be enabled in bios and some that it must be 
disabled. Tried both with writing twice to /proc/acpi/alarm. Still no luck.

Any other suggestions? Anybody?


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