Brian schrieb:
> C.Scheeder wrote:
>> Igor schrieb:
>>>>> I had a 1.5.13 running for a while on a nexus FF.
>>>>> I did install a second card, S2-3200, together with the multiproto driver
>>>>> and vdr 1.7.0, without patches at this moment, because I am not interested
>>>>> in HD at this time. I am just looking to have 2 cards working to be able
>>>>> to stream on several vdr clients and use the output of my FF card. The S2
>>>>> card is on astra, and the FF on hotbird
>>>>> I started with a  clean  vdrconf directory, and with a channel.conf with
>>>>> only 1 entry (TV5) on hotbird. I hoped that vdr would scan new channels,
>>>>> but it did only for a few.
>>>>> After starting the first time, it scanned about 10 new channels and stops
>>>>> there. In the DVB menu, update stands on  add new transponder 
>>>>> I did try with an other channel.conf. I can see every FTA channel on
>>>>> hotbird, but I have a black screen on astra (nothing as  channel not
>>>>> available ).
>>>>> The log does nt learn me something either. In fact the log is flooded by
>>>>> kernel messages about stb6100 that get_frequence and bandwith. The
>>>>> frequence are always the same.
>>>>> -why is the  autoscan  not working ? Do I need some  transponder file  ?
>>>>> -how can I check the signal on my S2-3200 card ?
>>>>> -how can I reduce the logs from stb6100 ?
>>>>> -do I need to apply a concurrent recording patch to be able to stream 2 or
>>>>> more signals ?
>>>>> thanks for your help
>>>> Errm,
>>>> you say you have two FF-Cards, one connected to an LNB poniting hotbird
>>>> and one connected to another LNB pointing to Astra?
>>>> AFAIk this will NOT work.
>>>> if vdr has 2 cards, it only uses the second card to do channel-scan, 
>>> but why vdr chose the second card, not the first one ?
>>> and this vdr's behaviour only for scan ? 
>>> Igor
>> Hrm,
>> i could say RTFM, but that would be a little rude ;-)
>> so lets explain it in short:
>> per design vdr reserves the first card in system for life viewing and does 
>> not use it for other
>> so called "idle" tasks like epg-scann or transponder-scann if there is a 
>> second card in the system.
>> thats by design, and it is written down the documentation.
>> And when it comes to viewing a transponder, vdr uses the first card to get 
>> the signal if that tuner
>> is available.
>> so in your configuration you will only be able to watch the channels on 
>> hotbird, but you only can 
>> scan on astra with plain vdr....
>> Nice situation... ;-)
>> Christoph
>> _______________________________________________
>> vdr mailing list
> Aaarrrrgggghhhhh Bloody Germans <G>
>  >> per design vdr reserves the first card in system for life viewing and 
> does not use it for other
> "live" viewing.
> Its a mistake that is made absolutely everywhere, especially in the press, who
> should really know better. I'm absolutely astounded about how many Germans (I 
> live in Germany),
> are nearly perfect with their English but make this mistake. But we see it in 
> "Clever Modern"
> advertising all the time now.
> "the length of someone's life"
> "The concert was shown live in TV"
> "I live in my house", etc.
> There's certainly no system in things like those in the English language.
> Sorry, just a pet rant of mine.
> Cheers Brian

Blody fucking bastard of a keyboard  ;-)
just hit the wrong key, i know i can't type blind, but sometimes i do it simply,
and then such typo's are the result.....
have a niece day

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