On 05/23/08 17:39, Dr. Werner Fink wrote:
> On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 04:42:06PM +0200, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
>> On 05/23/08 13:11, Goga777 wrote:
>>>>> Will the TS mods that Klaus is currently working on mean that the full 
>>>>> stream of
>>>>> the transponder can be recorded? Or will the HW full-TS mod still be 
>>>>> needed?
>>>> The PES to TS switch will only change the way VDR records broadcasts
>>>> and performs live viewing. There will be no more TS to PES conversion.
>>>> VDR will still record separate programmes, though. It won't record the
>>>> entire TS.
>>> is a lot of vdr-code need patch for this ?
>> It's not too much, but at core locations and requires a lot of testing
>> and debugging.
> OK ... for replaying the TS stuff on a FF DVD card you need a simple
> remuxer which does TS -> PES with max. 2048 bytes per frame, do you?

Not really.
Currently I`m testing things in Transfer Mode, and what I do is to
simply strip the TS header and send the payload to PlayVideo() and
PlayAudio(), respectively.


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