
Carsten Koch schrieb:

> I noticed, however, that it is extremely hard to use VDRs 
> cutting function with it.
> For example, when I use the '7' and '9' keys to jump to the
> previous/next cut mark, or when I use the '4' and '6' keys to
> fine-position a cut mark, the video image is not updated, so I
> am basically forced to navigate in complete darkness.
> Is that a known bug?

Well, yes, but I didn't find time to look into a sample till
tonight. Please find attached the fix, at least for the sample I
was working with.

Dipl.-Inform. (FH) Reinhard Nissl
--- ../xine-0.9.2/xineDevice.c	2009-05-03 20:56:36.000000000 +0200
+++ xineDevice.c	2009-05-27 23:46:36.000000000 +0200
@@ -1258,6 +1258,8 @@ if (0)
 FILE *ff = fopen("/tmp/still.ts", "wb");
 fwrite(tsData, 1, tsLength, ff);
 fwrite(tsTail, 1, TS_SIZE, ff);
         vRemux->Put(tsTail, TS_SIZE);
@@ -1270,8 +1272,6 @@ fwrite(tsTail, 1, TS_SIZE, ff);
 if (0)
 FILE *ff = fopen("/tmp/still.pes", "wb");
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