Petri Helin wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 6:57 PM, VDR User<> wrote:
>> I'd suggest posting to the mailing list or both as VDR Portal caters
>> 99% to people who speak german and isn't much help for the very large
>> english-speaking-only VDR community.
> I wouldn't say the english-speaking-only VD community is that
> large....: At least if you look at the registered users:
> Perhaps you meant the great non-german-speaking community, who
> communicate in English? ;)
> -Petri
Didn't realize that there was such a database of users available. I'm
pretty sure that _many_ of the VDR users are not aware of this thus
statistics are probably not very accurate. Klaus should advertise this
once in a while ;-)

Br, Pasi

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