In message <>, Thomas Hilber wrote

>> The desktop's working just fine but I'm having problems with XV. When
>> running in a window xv's fine however when I switch to full screen all I
>> get is a blue screen + audio.
>probably a xorg.conf configuration issue. Did you use clone mode?
>That does not work with interlaced timings. Symptoms are like
>the ones you describe.
>Attached is a working sample for xorg.conf I use for my D945GCLF2.

Same behaviour with your xorg.conf unfortunately.

I get the following with "xrandr -q"

    Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1440 x 576, maximum 1600 x 1600
    VGA connected 1440x576+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y
axis) 0mm x 0mm
       1440x576_50i   25.1*+
       1600x1200_60   59.9
       1368x768_60    60.0
       1280x800       60.0
       1280x768       60.0
       1024x768       60.0
       800x600        60.3
       800x520_50i    25.0
       720x576_50i    25.0
       640x480        59.9
    VGA-1 connected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
       1280x800       60.0
       1280x768       60.0
       1024x768       60.0
       800x600        60.3
       640x480        59.9

Bit confused as to where VGA-1 is coming from. Presumably this could be
the source of the problem?

xrandr --output VGA-1 --off

appears to have no affect.

Dave Cunningham                                  dave at upsilon org uk
                                                 PGP KEY ID: 0xA78636DC

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