On 9.7.2011 22:51, Luboš Doležel wrote:

I'm experiencing ring buffer overflows with streamdev-server and the
following remux script:

mkdir -p $tmpdir || exit 1
mkfifo $FIFO
(cat $FIFO; rm -rf $tmpdir) &
ffmpeg -threads 2 -i - -deinterlace -vcodec libx264 -vpre veryfast -b
900k -bt 50k -maxrate 900k -s vga -acodec libfaac -async 1 -ac 2 -ar
44100 -aq 128 -sn -y $FIFO 2>/tmp/ffmpeg.log

My outgoing line is a VDSL2 line with a 2048kbps upload.

2011-07-09T21:05:46+02:00 localhost vdr: [553] buffer usage: 70% (tid=552)
2011-07-09T21:05:47+02:00 localhost vdr: [553] buffer usage: 80% (tid=552)
2011-07-09T21:05:47+02:00 localhost vdr: [553] buffer usage: 30% (tid=552)
2011-07-09T21:05:49+02:00 localhost vdr: [25625] ERROR: 76 ring buffer
overflows (14288 bytes dropped)

When this happens, the picture freezes and it never recovers. Sometimes,
there's also this suspicious extra error message (the first line):

2011-07-09T21:16:28+02:00 localhost vdr: [593] ERROR: read failed:
Resource temporarily unavailable
2011-07-09T21:16:29+02:00 localhost vdr: [25625] ERROR: 58 ring buffer
overflows (10904 bytes dropped)
2011-07-09T21:16:33+02:00 localhost vdr: [596] buffer usage: 70% (tid=595)
2011-07-09T21:16:33+02:00 localhost vdr: [596] buffer usage: 80% (tid=595)
2011-07-09T21:16:34+02:00 localhost vdr: [596] buffer usage: 90% (tid=595)

Any advice on how to fix the problem?


Apart from simplifying the script to a single line I've found a solution: I've tripled the size of the ring buffer in vdr-streamdev-server and the problem is gone. No problems after hours of playback...

Luboš Doležel

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