>-- Oorspronkelijk bericht --
>Date: Sun, 15 Jan 2012 08:39:08 -0800
>From: VDR User <user....@gmail.com>
>To: VDR Mailing List <vdr@linuxtv.org>
>Subject: Re: [vdr] howto ignore lines in channels.conf
>Reply-To: VDR Mailing List <vdr@linuxtv.org>
>On Sun, Jan 15, 2012 at 3:29 AM, Ville Skyttä <ville.sky...@iki.fi> wrote:
>> Even though they'd get lost when VDR writes it, allowing comments there
>> would be an improvement so distros (and VDR itself) could ship the file
>> with some comments in it that instruct users what they need to do before
>> things will work, or what the file is for, or...  Same thing applies to
>> remote.conf, setup.conf, and timers.conf.
>> If the "AllowComments" parameter exists just for the purpose of
>> disallowing comments in files where VDR doesn't preserve them, I suggest
>> removing that restriction altogether and allowing comments everywhere.
>> Allowing comments and preserving them are two different things.  For
>> files where VDR doesn't preserve them it could note that on the first
>> line of such files, for example like:
>> # Warning: VDR will overwrite this file without preserving comments.
>I see no real benefit in complicating file (which stores only channel
>information) functions with what you've suggested. It just seems like
>a bunch of unnecessary work inside VDR for something that isn't any
>more useful than simply putting such info/comments in the README,
>MANUAL, INSTALLATION, or other appropriate files.

There is one bit of information that I would like to add to channels.conf,
and that's the channel number. This information cannot be added the README,
and other files, as this is information that only I use. My channel.conf
now looks like this (from memory, I'm not in front of the machine right now)

Nederland 1: *a whole lot of numbers* 
Nederland 2  *a whole lot of numbers* 

This reminds me, it's now not possible to have a list of channels with gaps
in it. I would like it if I can create a list like this:

#1..5 My favorite channels
1 Discovery channel
3 Some other channel
4 Comedy channel
5 Some other channel

#10..15 channels of my wife (just married this friday :-) )
10 RTL 4
11 RTL 8

#20 channels we both like ;-)
20 animal planet
21 discovery channel (identical to channel 1)
22 ...

#30 radio channels
31 3FM
32 BNR
33 Veronica

Best regards,


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