Tod Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

If you want to render the JSP and then include it, you must 'pull' it through 
the JSP engine in the container. 

The ImportTool just opens a file on disk and outputs it. So you will
get the JSP source code, not the rendered result.

It should actually be possible to use a combination of the
URLResourceLoader and #include() to get this to work. I can't tell you
from the top of my head, though. YMMV.

        Best regards

>I am trying to implement a web application under Tomcat that uses JSP's 
>originally created for another application.  The other application's 
>JSP's are in the /html directory under its document root.

>Can I use the ImportTools $"OtherDocRoot/html/legacy.jsp") 
>to bring in the contents of legacy.jsp in my velocity template?  I've 
>tried it and it isn't working.

>Tomcat seems to be loading the VelocityViewServlet correctly but when 
>rendering the velocity based page I only see:


>instead of it bringing in the JSP and rendering its contents correctly.

>Any hints on the best way to debug this?

>Thanks - Tod

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