Title: Message
are the 2 mount points on two different LUNs or just two points on the sme LUN?
if different LUNs are they the same RAID group?
same type of disk for both? (SATA vs FC?)
how are you connected to disk? dual port HBA one 2gb port per disk mount?
or are you using something like EMC Powerpath or HDS HDLM and only using one port, with the other as failover, or both load balanced, or one port per LUN?
Do you have any other LUNs mounted via on of the ports?
You say the tape drives are connected to a single card, but are they daisy chained to one port on the card or is it a dual port/controller SCSI card?
In other words, more infor please
-----Original Message-----
Sent: May 4, 2006 5:07 PM
To: veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu
Subject: [Veritas-bu] 2Gb/s FC read speed


I'm getting slow DSSU -> LTO2 tape drive performance. I think the problem is related to the SAN since the DSSU uses two mount points(/dssu1 and /dssu2).

I'm seeing 16MB/s on one LTO2 drive and 27MB/s on the other LTO2 tape drive using iostat. Both drives are LVD connected to the same card but using a different port.

Under ideal circumstances, how fast should i be able to read data off a dual port 2Gb/s hba assuming it's directly connected to the storage?
  Karl-Frédéric Rossing,
Technical Services
phone: 204-786-6431
fax: 204-784-6755
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