My apologies for ever contemplating the use of calendar scheduling!
Whatever was I thinking??
I fully understand frequency based scheduling and I will continue to use it until Control Data Corporation, OpenVision Technologies, VERITAS Software, symantec, or whoever owns BackupPlus, Axxion-NetBackup, or NetBackup, fully understands, accepts and writes software that utilizes a true backup day of 12 hours that starts at 6PM local and ends at 6AM local time.

>>> "bob944" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 6/13/2006 1:59 PM >>>
> I have years of experience with frequency based scheduling but I have
> always shied away from calendar based. Today I made my first
> attempt and

Gone over to the dark side, have you?

> I cannot see where I made a mistake. Please review this and help me if
> you can. Thanks.

> Here is the problem
> The calendar based backup started on the first day that I made this
> policy active even though it is not suppose to be active
> until the last Monday of the month.

That was mon_calendar and not mon_full or mon_inc?  If it was
freq-based, it should have as I'm sure you know.  So it was cal-based?
Since you made the policy active on cal-based rundays, it's likely it
ran for the reasons in #4 below.

> Here is the strategy
> 1. full backup every monday night excluding last monday of the month
> with 1 month retention
>    allow tuesday full for any failures that may occur on monday
> 3. last monday of each month run a calendar full backup with 3 month
> retention
>    retries allowed after runday which would be tuesday night.
> 2. incremental backup every night except monday nights with 1 month
> retention

> Today I made my first [calendar-based] attempt

1.  don't use calendar-based scheduling

>           Monday     18:30:00  -->  Tuesday    04:00:00

2.  calendar-based schedules should not span midnight.  There's finally
a technote that documents this, but I don't have it.  The SAG thoroughly
documents that it creates two separate windows, pre- post-midnight, and
the behavior to expect, which may not be what you want.

> Today I made my first [calendar-based] attempt

3.  don't use calendar-based scheduling

>   Schedule:          17.30_mon_calendar
>     Calendar sched: Enabled
>       Allowed to retry after run day
>       SPECIFIC DATE 0 - 06/26/2006

>   Schedule:          17.30_mon_full
>       EXCLUDE DATE 0 - 06/26/2006

4.  expect it to run for various on the "after days" that are not the
day after the SPECIFIC you set (other Tuesdays, in your case) if it
didn't run for some reason, you have to exclude the after-days as well.
This is implied by 276176.

> Today I made my first [calendar-based] attempt

5.  don't use calendar-based scheduling

6.  you have mixed calendar- and frequency-based schedules (mon_calendar
and mon_full); I _think_ this is a no-no but haven't looked it up.  You
could accomplish your aim of a different retention on a (or a specific)
full each month with either all-freqeucy or all-calendar schedules and
avoid this set of issues.

> Today I made my first [calendar-based] attempt

7.  don't use calendar-based scheduling

8.  don't know if this applies to your situation, but remember that
calendar-based scheduling does not have the scheduling rule of "ties go
to the longer frequency."  So when the daily diff and the weekly and
quarterly fulls are due on the same day, the one that runs is not
predictable.  Don't know if this applies to Tuesday in your
retry-calendar-on-Tue-plus-freq-diff-on-Tue situation; I'd apply rule 6
and not do it in the first place.  268644.

> Today I made my first [calendar-based] attempt

9.  don't use calendar-based scheduling

>           Tuesday    17:30:00  -->  Wednesday  04:00:00

10.  windows should be shorter than the backup.  Since it isn't
frequency based it will re-run if given the chance.  268400.

> Today I made my first [calendar-based] attempt

11.  don't use calendar-based scheduling

The Monday start time for 17.30_mon_full is 1720.  The Monday start time
for 17.30_mon_calendar is 1830.  FYI.  (Also FYI, my naming conventions
wouldn't use time and day in a schedule name; this illustrates one
reason why.)

I'll leave the rest of your posting intact to simplify followups.

> Here is the bppllist:
> Policy Name:       groupwise01-09

>   Policy Type:         Standard
>   Active:              yes
>   Effective date:      06/12/2006 08:00:00
>   Client Compress:     no
>   Follow NFS Mounts:   no
>   Cross Mount Points:  no
>   Collect TIR info:    no
>   Block Incremental:   no
>   Mult. Data Streams:  yes
>   Client Encrypt:      no
>   Checkpoint:          no
>   Policy Priority:     25
>   Max Jobs/Policy:     Unlimited
>   Disaster Recovery:   0
>   Residence:           dssu_grp
>   Volume Pool:         Novell
>   Keyword:             (none specified)

>   HW/OS/Client:  Novell        NetWare       gw01
>                  Novell        NetWare       gw02
>                  Novell        NetWare       gw03
>                  Novell        NetWare       gw04
>                  Novell        NetWare       gw05
>                  Novell        NetWare       gw06
>                  Novell        NetWare       gw07
>                  Novell        NetWare       gw08
>                  Novell        NetWare       gw09

>   Include:  /FS

>   Schedule:          17.30_mon_calendar
>     Type:            Full Backup
>     Maximum MPX:     10
>     Synthetic:       0
>     PFI Recovery:    0
>     Retention Level: 5 (3 months)
>     Number Copies:   1
>     Fail on Error:   0
>     Residence:       dssu04
>     Volume Pool:     (same as policy volume pool)
>     Calendar sched: Enabled
>       Allowed to retry after run day
>       SPECIFIC DATE 0 - 06/26/2006
>       SPECIFIC DATE 1 - 07/31/2006
>       SPECIFIC DATE 2 - 08/28/2006
>       SPECIFIC DATE 3 - 09/25/2006
>       SPECIFIC DATE 4 - 10/30/2006
>       SPECIFIC DATE 5 - 11/27/2006
>       SPECIFIC DATE 6 - 12/25/2006
>       Monday, Week 5
>     Daily Windows:
>           Monday     18:30:00  -->  Tuesday    04:00:00
>           Tuesday    17:30:00  -->  Wednesday  04:00:00

>   Schedule:          17.30_mon_full
>     Type:            Full Backup
>     Frequency:       every 5 days
>     Maximum MPX:     10
>     Synthetic:       0
>     PFI Recovery:    0
>     Retention Level: 3 (1 month)
>     Number Copies:   1
>     Fail on Error:   0
>     Residence:       dssu04
>     Volume Pool:     (same as policy volume pool)
>       EXCLUDE DATE 0 - 06/26/2006
>       EXCLUDE DATE 1 - 07/31/2006
>       EXCLUDE DATE 2 - 08/28/2006
>       EXCLUDE DATE 3 - 09/25/2006
>       EXCLUDE DATE 4 - 10/30/2006
>       EXCLUDE DATE 5 - 11/27/2006
>       EXCLUDE DATE 6 - 12/25/2006
>     Daily Windows:
>           Monday     17:20:00  -->  Tuesday    04:00:00
>           Tuesday    17:30:00  -->  Wednesday  04:00:00

>   Schedule:          17.30_mon_inc
>     Type:            Differential Incremental Backup
>     Frequency:       every 12 hours
>     Maximum MPX:     10
>     Synthetic:       0
>     PFI Recovery:    0
>     Retention Level: 3 (1 month)
>     Number Copies:   1
>     Fail on Error:   0
>     Residence:       (specific storage unit not required)
>     Volume Pool:     (same as policy volume pool)
>     Daily Windows:
>           Sunday     17:30:00  -->  Monday     04:00:00
>           Tuesday    17:30:00  -->  Wednesday  04:00:00
>           Wednesday  17:30:00  -->  Thursday   04:00:00
>           Thursday   17:30:00  -->  Friday     04:00:00
>           Friday     17:30:00  -->  Saturday   04:00:00
>           Saturday   17:30:00  -->  Sunday     04:00:00

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