As I know nothing  had changed with support after the merge. The engineers are 
the same and the backline support is very good.
The bad support is because of netbackup 6. They have so many cases open and 
they can’t answer to all fast enough. 
The support for other products (HA) is very good, as it always was.

The problem is that someone gave the order to release this crappy think and not 
the engineers (I hope that he is not working with Symantec any more)

>  -------Original Message-------
>  From: MCare Backup <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  Subject: Re: [Veritas-bu] symantec and VERITAS merger good or bad?
>  Sent: 14 Oct '06 10:55
>  Hear, hear.  The support went right into the toilet following the merger,
>  and NetBackup 6.0 is questionable at best (although Symantec may not have
>  had anything to do with that).  But let me put it this way -- prior to the
>  merger, I would have recommended NBU as a backup platform.  Now, I'd only
>  recommend it if I had no other choice.
>  To top off their unacceptable support, I just got an offer to take a one-day
>  class on NBU for only $3500.00.  They can't even support their own product,
>  why on earth would I pay them that much money for what must be a one-day
>  seminar on how to open the .pdfs that come with the software?
>  _______________________________________________
>  Veritas-bu [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Veritas-bu maillist  -

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