I was wondering if anyone else has had a similar problem.  We're running
6.0 MP4 in our test environment (Solaris 9 master server).  I noticed
that the catalog backup hadn't started on time, so I attempted to run it
manually, but nothing happened.  Thinking I hadn't properly tried to
initiate a manual backup of the policy, I tried again.  Still nothing.

Digging into the logs, I noticed the message "specified policy does not
exist in the configuration database" associated with my attempts to run
the catalog backup policy.  So, I'm thinking "what the hell?"  Long
story short:  I deleted the policy, and recreated it.  Same result.  I
can see the policy in the GUI and with bpplinfo.

The catalog backup ran successfully the day before.  The only thing I
did was to make a change to the start window of the weekly full schedule
of the policy.  I've tried manually running the weekly full and the
daily incrementals, both with the same result.

We're opening a support ticket with Symantec, but maybe the collective
intelligence of the group will come up with a solution faster.

Jack L. Forester, Jr.
UNIX Systems Administrator, Stf
Lockheed Martin Information Technology

Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

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