I'm having problems restoring a cumulative incremental standard policy
backup stored on an LTO2 tape on an LTO4 drive. The density settings for
the LTO2 tapes on my system is HCART, for LTO4 it's HCART3. I've run
restores where I've set one of the LTO4 drives as density HCART in the
device manager, restarted LTID and then created a storage unit for the
LTO4 drive with the HCART density setting. I've also been able to run
restores by setting the write protect tab on the LTO2 tape and then
using vmchange to change the density to HCART3.
I've been trying to restore from two tapes from a backup in November and
I keep getting messages like this in the status window.
2/19/2008 12:59:46 PM - begin Restore
2/19/2008 12:59:48 PM - 1 images required
2/19/2008 12:59:48 PM - media K00443 required
2/19/2008 12:59:52 PM - restoring image spike.zgi.com_1195784616
2/19/2008 12:59:54 PM - connecting
2/19/2008 12:59:56 PM - connected; connect time: 00:00:02
2/19/2008 12:59:56 PM - requesting resource K00443
2/19/2008 12:59:56 PM - granted resource K00443
2/19/2008 12:59:56 PM - granted resource rmt-3cbn
2/19/2008 12:59:58 PM - Warning bptm(pid=546) media id K00443 not found
in Media Manager, mount request will most likely occur
2/19/2008 12:59:58 PM - started process bptm (546)
2/19/2008 12:59:58 PM - mounting K00443
I don't know why I'm getting the "media id not found in media manager"
error. The tape shows up if you do a bpmedialist or a vmquery. What I
see is that the tape loads into the proper drive, does nothing for a
while and then then NetBackup says that it is done with the tape (in
this case K00443) and needs to load the next tape, which it identifies
as K00443 (this is a one tape restore, I'm only interested in restoring
the cumulative incremental backups from two days) and downs the tape
drive. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to deal with this?
Jamie Jamison
Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

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