With proper documentation, and a demonstration of the process, I would 
say yes.  The steps to create or prepare the BMR might be a little bit 
of a mystery for a non-netbackup person, but the process to boot the cd 
and answer the questions is a lot easier than installing the OS from 
media.  It would be an easy task to educate Ops or OS on what is 
happening in the background.  I would entrust this role to someone who 
can navigate through the NBU console with some degree of skill, so you 
can ask general questions at 3:00 a.m. and get informative answers.  
You'll probably be getting out of bed and driving in anyway, but having 
someone do prep work before you arrive would be handy.

Maybe this would be a tier2 operation.  You'll need someone you can 
trust inside the NB admin, who knows what to select when preparing BMR, 
how to make a CD or verify PXE booting, and this person better know for 
darn sure that the system they are about to BMR restore is indeed the 
one that is crashed.  Formatting the wrong system for a reload creates 
extra problems you don't need.  I saw it happen once, and heard it from 
others over the years.


> Can anyone chime in on if an Ops or OS person can handle running a BMR
> restore?
> -Rusty

Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

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