Mystery solved - or so it seems.

Last week we had a helpdesk ticket where the user wanted some chmod/chgrp 
modifications of all files/directories in this area.

My co-worker did that on Thursday/Friday of last week. Seems this changes 
the ChangeTime (ctime), which NBU is using for determining if something has 
"Changed". I then did a Differential, and it was looking at the ctime.

For one of the files:

stat error.txt
  File: `error.txt'
  Size: 338713          Blocks: 962        IO Block: 4096   regular file
Device: 1dh/29d Inode: 4365470520  Links: 1
Access: (0664/-rw-rw-r--)  Uid: ( 2370/  cgoina)   Gid: ( 9003/jtc-solexa)
Access: 2008-10-15 09:44:41.235029187 -0400
Modify: 2008-10-15 09:44:41.235029187 -0400
Change: 2008-12-09 19:00:21.895757388 -0500

Turns out, the chmod/chgrp needed to be rerun on Monday/Tuesday this week.

Is there a way for NBU to look at mtime instead of ctime?


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "A Darren Dunham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2008 11:23 AM
Subject: Re: [Veritas-bu] Full backup followed by a Differential = Another 

> On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 07:42:41AM -0800, Randy Doering wrote:
>> Backup Client = Isilon NAS Unit - NDMP. NBU version is 6.5.3.
>> With this?one (10+TBs, 1,643,099 files) during the backup NBU said it
>> was doing a Differential, but when it was all done, it had actually
>> backedup everything again.
>> If I kick off another Differential this coming weekend, I certainly
>> don't want to have yet another backup that gets all of the data once
>> again.
>> Any thoughts?
> Since this is NDMP, Netbackup isn't making any of the file level
> decisions.  It's just passing a set of parameters to the host (dump
> level, date of backup, file path, tape drive, etc...) and letting the
> make the selections.
> I don't have it in my notes, but you can up the log level of ndmp on the
> isilon and view exactly what NBU is sending over.  It'll show up in the
> ndmp logs.  Ah.  Found my notes...
> On any node of the cluster, edit the file /etc/mcp/templates/syslog.conf
> and change the line:
> *.>=info /var/log/isi_ndmp_d
> to:
> *.* /var/log/isi_ndmp_d
> This should increase the logging levels on the cluster for ndmp.
> You may want to check with your support contacts before doing this, but
> it's just a log level change.
> With that in place, you can start a manual differential and see what it
> looks to be doing.  You'll be able to kill it so it won't consume tapes
> for you.  If nothing looks obviously wrong, you may have to contact
> support.
> Good luck!
> -- 
> Darren
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