To answer your question, we tested both the NBU 5000 (Symantec) and the 
DD860 (Data Domain) and the differences couldn't be more stark.  I was 
using a 30 minute checkpoint interval.  I never achieved anything better 
than 15:1 from the NBU5000 (which isn't bad).  The DD860 hit 39:1 at the 
time I disabled all of the policies.  This was running daily full backups 
on an array of different servers (DB2, Windows file servers, UNIX file 
servers, and Siebel app servers) over the course of 2 months. 

The NBU5000 is a fixed block device, the DD860 a variable block device. 
There is no way of knowing if checkpoints were the culprit for the NBU5000 
getting the lesser ratio, but it does present a plausible theory.

"" <>
09/06/2011 02:54 PM
Re: [Veritas-bu] Dedupe ratios and checkpoint backups
Sent by:

If at all, this would probably affect fixed-block solutions more than the 
variable-block ones.  The variable-blocked solutions would continue to 
look for identical blocks, but in different positions of the data stream.  

"Stafford, Geoff" <> 
"" <> 
09/06/2011 02:45 PM 
[Veritas-bu] Dedupe ratios and checkpoint backups 
Sent by:

Just wondering if anyone has done testing or seen documentation (from any 
dedupe vendor) regarding the usage of enabling checkpoints on backups that 
are being deduplicated?  I would think that the introduction of 
checkpoints every X minutes into the datastream would interrupt the 
continuity of the data and make it seem more unique thus negatively 
affecting dedupe ratios but I?m wondering by how much.  Most, if not all, 
of the variable length guys have the ability to ?re-align? themselves to 
the start of the files so I would think it might be more pronounced on 
large files vs your average server but I?m just thinking out loud. 
Anyone seen a recommendation or actually tested themselves? 



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