Hi Guys ,

Need Help!

I m facing issues with live update . I was able to run live update policy
fine till yesterday and updated 50 clients.
Today when I m trying to run live update policy it throws errrors like :

Unable to start the selected LiveUpdate policies.
Status =0; Request timed out


it shows

Error code 134 : Unable to process the request as server resources are busy

No backups are running on server. I have already restarted NBU services on
clustered master server.
Live update server is running fine and it can access it.

nbliveup and liveupdate logs doesnot have any logs which I can check.

Can some body advice on what to check Or what daemons should be running at
master/media server .

Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

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