I have a diskgroup contains of 4 LUN's that were used in the past by this same 
host. It is now deported and somebody forgot to import and destroy it.

Now I want to re use it for something else. However everytime I tried to use 
the import the diskgroup:

#vxdg import test_dg 
It came back with an error:
VxVM vxdg ERROR V-5-1-10978 Disk group test_dg : import failed
Disk is sharable, operation not supported

# vxdg -tC import test_dg

same error as above

I tried to use the GUI (VEA) to import the diskgroup test_dg with the option:

x Clear host id
x Force
x Start all Volume
x Import shared

The GUI said:
Caution: You specified clear host ID.
This will allow the import of a dynamic disk group last used by another host
Are you sure you want to import this dynamic disk group to this host
x Yes

EVxVM vxdg ERROR Diskgroup 123456.24.sunshine: import failed
No valid disk found containing disk group
Failed to execute the operation

I tried to do vxdiskadm; and "vxdisksetup -i" to initialize each of the disks
but it failed also. 

I am running Veritas Volume manager 5.0 mp1

Thanks for any suggestion or feedback.

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