Anyone that has had to deal with Adobe or Microsoft activation errors
and problems knows that product activation is an insult to the
customer.  Anyone who has bought DRM music and had the licensing
service go away knows this.  Anyone who has tried running an old game
only to discover that the licensing server is no longer available
knows this.

I absolutely HATE the idea of having such a *major* piece of
productivity software that I paid for and depend on being at risk of
accidental or purposeful de-activation by some company that has no
real incentive to care once I've given them my money.

* Does Versions now phone-home every time you launch it or just when
you enter the license code?

* Am I now forced to run Versions from a machine that has internet

* What happens when I get a new machine(s)?  Do I have to go through
some annoying deactivation process first?  What if I am unable to
deactivate other machines due to HD failure or something?

* What is Sofa's long-term policy for the licensing servers?
Specifically, what happens when you decide to no longer support the
product or even specific versions of the app (ie. a forced upgrade)?

After so many months of beta testing and anxious waiting, I'm
absolutely bummed that I won't be able to enjoy this great piece of
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