So, a lump of coal it is (kidding). ;-)

I was thinking you could show them as sub-items in the bookmark list.
That would stay out of the way for the most part - and selecting the
change list could either select the files that it contains or maybe
only show the files that it contains (like clicking on "changed" does
now). That would make it easy to add files to the change list, too,
because you could drag from the browse pane to the change list.

I'll keep thinking on it, too...there has to be a clean way to make it work...


On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 10:16 AM, Dirk Stoop <> wrote:
> Hi Larry,
> This seems like a great feature to manage a bunch of changes from the
> command line.
> I see some merit in supporting changelists from Versions – we want it
> to play nice with other svn clients and support a broad feature set,
> but I don't yet see a clear way to add the functionality without
> making Versions harder to understand.
> Currently the commit command and dialog are contextual to the
> selection in the browser, just like every other command listed in the
> 'Action' menu and shown in the toolbar (including the optional items
> in the 'Customize Toolbar...' sheet).  Every way I can come up to add
> support for changelists involves deviating from that one basic rule,
> which has a pretty key role in making Versions' interface easy to
> learn and consistent.
> I don't think I understand changelists well enough yet to say it's
> impossible to come up with The Right Way™ though, so I've filed a
> ticket for this feature request as a task; for our team to sit down,
> make sure we really understand it and see if we can come up with a
> good design for the feature.  We can't give it the highest priority,
> but will discuss it when we can.
> Thanks for the feature request! — and merry X-mas regardless of santa
> prolly not delivering on this one ;)
> Cheers,
> - Dirk
> the Versions team
> On Dec 16, 5:07 pm, Larry Meadors <> wrote:
>> Will we see this anytime soon?
>> I like to use change lists in my IDE to group together changes (and it
>> uses 'svn cl' to create them).
>> From a command line, I can run 'svn st', and it shows the defined
>> change lists, but I don't see a way to view or commit it in
>> versions...
>> It's on my X-mas list. :)
>> Larry
> >

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