What are you selecting when you say "if I choose the whole local

I selected the small blue globe to the left instead of the yellow
folder. Didn't realize the export-function was dependent of this.

Small blue globe = repository
Yellow folder = current state of project.


Correct. In version control terminology, a "working copy" is a copy independent from the repository, which contains your changes until they are committed to the repository (whether it's stored on a server or locally).

I guess I should have read TFM. ;-)

Don't feel bad. There's not a beefy manual, and most of us don't run to the Help menu to learn about interfaces—we expect to be able to pick it up on the fly. In this case, the globe vs. folder distinction is a fine point that can be a little more difficult to grasp without help. Glad to have helped straighten you out. :-)

 - Quinn

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