FYI, merging is probably the most-requested feature — it would be nice to check through the Google Group archives before posting a new thread on it. Merging is important for many people, but realize that many people work only in trunk.

The developers are well aware of the features of other SVN tools, and particularly TortoiseSVN. I trust that they want to make Versions the best SVN client possible, and not just on the Mac. Also realize that Pico & Sofa have finite resources, compared to the open-source TortoiseSVN, and creating a polished app takes a lot of work.

And just to be slightly contrary, I'd submit that commit and update are probably "the most important of things to do with subversion". ;-)

 - Quinn

On Aug 6, 2009, at 5:46 PM, Scott Klein wrote:

If you have windows, there is a great open source shell extension
called tortoise SVN.  I bought Versions assuming it would have merge
abilities for the trunk (since, you know, it seems to be the most
important of things to do with subversion) and was pretty upset last
night when I found out I'd have to use windows.  Tortoise SVN works
great, though.

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