I have the same issue when Versions is left open while network goes up
and down.

In addition, what appear to be two spawned processes of Versions
appear in my process list when it is left open for +4 hours, both
taking up about 40% of each core (MBc2duo - plastic - 10.6.1).... Very
strange... Will try to post screenshot when I have it.

On Sep 29, 5:21 pm, Jay <bazaars...@gmail.com> wrote:
> When I try to quit Versions, I get the "Quitting Versions... waiting
> for transactions to finish" even though it's not doing anything, and
> it never goes away. Clicking on the "Quit Now" button does nothing.
> When I look for Versions processes, I get something like this:
> 27407 ??         3:49.38 /Applications/Versions.app/Contents/MacOS/
> Versions -psn_0_2511461
> 29779 ??        74:18.19 /Applications/Versions.app/Contents/MacOS/
> Versions -psn_0_2511461
> 30421 ??         0:00.02 /Applications/Versions.app/Contents/MacOS/
> Versions -psn_0_2511461
> There are always several different processes. I'm running 10.6.1.
> Anyone else see this?

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