I think he's probably talking about something like `svn switch`, in which case no, Versions doesn't yet provide a quick way to do that.

Creating multiple working copies is one way to go, but the idea behind svn switch is that SVN can modify/add/delete only the files that are different between two branches, which is fast and doesn't waste near as much bandwidth or disk space. For the time being, having multiple working copy bookmarks is workable.

 - Quinn

On Oct 5, 2009, at 5:03 AM, Sofa wrote:

Hi Sebastian,

How do you mean exactly? I'd suggest making working copies for all the
releases/branches you switch between often.

the versions team

On Oct 5, 9:24 am, Sebastian Schulze <unmerk...@googlemail.com> wrote:
Hi all.

I'm working in a repo with quiet a lot release / hotfix branches.
Is there a way to quickly switch between different branches using the
Versions GUI?

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