+1 This would be quite nice. In Eclipse, the Subversive plugin puts a checkmark by each item to select whether it should be part of the commit. The trick (as always) is how best to provide the desired functionality in a tasteful and useful way, not just spewing information all over the screen and making the user sort through it. :-)

 - Quinn

On Oct 12, 2009, at 7:23 PM, ChopperDog wrote:

First let me say I really like Versions. But (unless I just can't find
it) it is missing a key piece of functionality. Namely the ability to
Commit an entire directory, and then deselect certain files from the
list presented.

I typically work on a number of stories at the same time so need to
commit only part of what has changed. There might be 50 changed files
over 30 directories, but maybe I only need to commit 35 of the files.
I'd like to commit the entire parent directory and then be able to
deselect certain files from the commit window before proceeding with
the commit.

Again, a really great product otherwise. Thanks.

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