I totally agree. I write mostly Java at work, and the deep package hierarchies lead to lots of folders and few files being changed. Additionally, command-clicking to (de)select works, but doesn't scale so well when it's hard to tell whether a file is 7 or 8 levels deep, if 2 that are 10-20 rows apart are on the same level, etc. (Even in changed view, which is my usual mode as well.) Also, if you want to commit everything in a hierarchy except one file, it's a pain to select everything but. I'm not lazy, but it's a lot of work, and Noah is correct that one mis-click can cause you to start over. Right now, the selection mechanism is essentially equivalent to providing all the path names you want to commit on the command line. Obviously, that model works, but it doesn't scale near as well, and a GUI should make things easier than Terminal, not "as easy as".

There are certainly higher-priority features, but this one would be quite nice. I'm of the opinion that Versions should make SVN commits at least as easy the Eclipse plugins. After all, Eclipse isn't exactly the paramount of simplicity and usability — it's key strengths are flexibility and extensibility. (This isn't the place to talk about its weaknesses...) :-)

 - Quinn

On Oct 14, 2009, at 4:25 AM, Noah Campbell wrote:

Sure it exists, but it's not ideal for large repositories. I work in the "changed" view all the time because it reduce the view, however, the folder structure we have means a lot of noise around the change set. Given a change of a couple files, I cannot see them in a single pane.

Perhaps having the ability to sort the list of files with the folder structure would be helpful. For example, Data Status, could group all the missing files, or files in conflict so I can quickly resolve each one and know that for a merge their all accounted for without scrolling around.


On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 3:59 AM, msalmonse <msalmo...@gmail.com> wrote:

What's wrong with only viewing the changed files and then using a
combination of selections and deselections? It seems to me that you
are asking for something that already exists.

On Oct 13, 8:35 pm, Noah Campbell <noahcampb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This would be very helpful since hunting down individual files to commit in > the UI with a large repository is not so user friendly, especially if you
> mis-click and loose all your previous selections.

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