You can actually update multiple working copies at the command line,
as long as they're all stored in the same directory: svn update *
should do the trick. In any case, I don't think most users would have
a problem having a repository "locked" in a modal view during an
update - possibly displaying a transcript view or some GUI-fied
version of that. What is bothersome is being locked out of all the
other repositories you might want to work in while that process is
going on.

Also, although some AppleScript support would of course be nice, it's
kind of unnecessary to use that to solve this problem - because, as
you note, Versions is a GUI for Subversion, which is already perfectly
scriptable through the use of shell scripts. I think what people want
here isn't a scripted workaround - the whole point is that this would
be a convenience feature, and it's only really convenient if that's
handled through the GUI, I think.


On Dec 29, 12:17 pm, TheDO <> wrote:
> The modal approach to the Update operation is somewhat restrictive,
> yes. What it does allow is to see the verbose transcript of the update
> operation as it happens. How do you see that working if multiple
> repositories updated simultaneously.
> It's important to remember that Versions is a GUI for Subversion. How
> would you accomplish this simultaneous update at the command line? You
> couldn't without several consoles active, but you'd still have to
> trigger each update manually, unless you wrote a script.
> So that brings us back to the Mac. I'd like to see Versions have a
> built-in AppleScript dictionary of commands, as well as be automated
> by Automator. Is this on the Versions' team to-do list at all? That
> would allow end users like us to create our own such solutions.
> ~Ted
> On Dec 21, 7:45 am, Matt Robenolt <> wrote:
> > A simple, but overlooked feature I believe is a method to update all
> > repositories at once.  I tend to have no less than 10 working copies
> > of various project we are working on.  I also like to keep a checked
> > out read-only working copy on a backup drive locally in our office.  I
> > sort my backup repos into their own folder.  It would be super handy
> > to be able to select all repos in that one folder and update them at
> > the same time.  Especially since the update process now does not allow
> > you to do anything else in the app while it's running.  I'd like to be
> > able to just do a Cmd+A to select all, then do a mass update. :)
> > Thanks for hearing me out!


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