Hi Lazlo,

That's a relatively simple problem to fix, but you'll have to use the
command line for it, as there's no implementation of this SVN feature
in Versions yet.

While you changed the URL for your repository bookmark, the .svn
metadata that's stored inside of all folders in your working copy
still refers to the old URL. To switch the working copy over to the
new URL, you'll need to use the "svn switch" command.

Before you proceed, it might be a good idea to read this:

There are some caveats to using "svn switch --relocate" according to
the authors of that page.

1. Open a Terminal window at the root level of your working copy
(quick tip: select top-level folder in Versions' "Browse" view and hit
2. Type: "svn info", you'll notice that in the output that gives the
URL is still the old URL.
3. Type: "svn switch --relocate yourOldURL yourNewURL"
4. Type: "svn info" again, if all's well, you'll now see your new URL
in there.

All the best,
- Dirk

the Versions team

On Jan 6, 9:43 pm, LazloHollyfeld <aries...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> Okay, I had Versions connecting to my SVN server just perfectly when
> it was located at my old office.  I then had to change physical
> location of the server and then map a new domain name to the server.
> So, I go into Versions, change the URL for the bookmark of the
> repository and it seems to authenticate a-okay.  I can see the list of
> files in the repository on the server, etc.
> Now, when I try to commit my working copy to the server, I get a
> PROPFIND error.  The problem is that in the PROPFIND error, it saying
> it can connect to the server with the previous domain name.  What's
> the deal?  Why is Versions trying to connect to the old server name?
> How can I make sure it is connecting to the right domain name?  Why is
> PROPFIND giving me this error when I am obviously able to connect to
> my repository and see the files.
> Any help or insights as to how I might go about troubleshooting this
> issue is greatly appreciated.
> Thanks!
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