2010/1/7 Dirk Stoop <d...@madebysofa.com>

1. Open a Terminal window at the root level of your working copy
> (quick tip: select top-level folder in Versions' "Browse" view and hit
> command+T)
> 2. Type: "svn info", you'll notice that in the output that gives the
> URL is still the old URL.
> 3. Type: "svn switch --relocate yourOldURL yourNewURL"
> 4. Type: "svn info" again, if all's well, you'll now see your new URL
> in there.

First I have to say that I think switch and relocate should be a function in
Versions itself. Having to drop down on the command line for this is a bit
annoying, especially since the repository bookmark can be edited (however,
that doesn't actually relocate working copies, which is frustrating,
unexpected and surprising).

Second, it's important to remember any username and/or port numbers in the
URL you're switching from. It has to be exactly the same as the one you get
from "svn info", in my experience. If Versions had a GUI for this, it'd be
so much easier as it isn't straight forward even when you know the SVN cli.

Asbjørn Ulsberg           -=|=-        asbj...@ulsberg.no
«He's a loathsome offensive brute, yet I can't look away»
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