I wonder if adding support for ctags would be achievable?

Also, you didn't seem off-putting to me.

On Feb 9, 2011, at 11:17 AM, Quinn Taylor wrote:

> Disclaimer: Sometimes my tone seems confrontational, but I'm really being 
> nice. I just tend to looks at things objectively and pragmatically. Please 
> don't let me scare you off.  :-)
> I meant "code symbols" to encapsulate function names; for example, it could 
> also include methods, classes, variables, etc.
> File names would be easy to support, but remember that a Subversion 
> repository doesn't necessarily just store source code. Even assuming code, 
> there is a wide variety of programming languages that would have to be 
> supported for such a feature to be considered useful. On top of that, there's 
> an implicit assumption that most people even *put* script/function/class 
> names in their log messages.
> I just a Versions user too, but I'm also a software engineer myself, and my 
> gut reaction is that this feature — while admittedly cool and potentially 
> useful — is one that I would expect to require a lot more time and money than 
> could be justified, especially when compared to other core Subversion 
> features like merging.
> Personally, when I *do* put code symbols (like class and method names) in a 
> log message, I either type them out by hand or copy/paste from the source or 
> a diff. I tend to triple-check changes before committing, so the latter is 
> usually the easiest.
> As far as spelling mistakes, that's because Versions uses the built-in 
> spelling functionality and dictionary, which doesn't (and shouldn't) contain 
> script/function names. I'd bet that most users are more likely to misspell 
> common words than code symbols anyhow. I've caught a lot of minor typos this 
> way.
> If I've missed something, please let me know. Thanks!
> - Quinn

Lorin Rivers
Mosasaur: Killer Technical Marketing <http://www.mosasaur.com>
512/203.3198 (m)

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