On Dec 14, 2011, at 9:10 PM, Gabe Johnson wrote:

> Not sure if you have it sorted out yet, but to delete the .svn dir you
> might try:
> rm -r .svn
> The -r flag deletes the target and if it is a directory, all the
> files/directories it contains.
> On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 11:33 AM, Bass-O-Matic <jspi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Sadly, I upgraded to Lion.
>> If I create a local folder with new files in it and try to ADD in
>> Versions to my repository I get a message that the file is "locked" or
>> something like... "already under version control".

This probably has little to do with Lion (or OS X at all) and more to do with 
Subversion and the hidden directories, as your friend mentioned.

>> A friend of mine who is more "command-liney" pointed out that if I
>> Terminal to that folder there is already a .svn folder in there and to
>> delete it.
>> Which I tried with "rm .svn" Which didn't work... just kept saying...
>> "That's' a directory Dumb A!"
>> Of course admittedly, I'm not great at going into the command line and
>> doing much. CD, LS, and a little VI stuff with copious notes is my
>> skill level. I like UIs. They're friendly!

As Gabe mentioned, the -r flag applies recursively to directories. You can 
discover this (and other options) by typing "man rm" in Terminal. Don't worry, 
even a command line expert was once a novice. Familiarity just comes with 
practice. :-)

>> So, I did some googling and I found that Lion's new versioning BS will
>> lock files so you don't accidentally delete them. Furthermore, Time
>> Machine has an option to LOCK any files not touched in the last two
>> weeks. I have to say I'm increasingly perturbed at the controlling
>> attitude Apple seems to have towards their users.

This has nothing to do with a controlling attitude, it's a simple precaution to 
prevent users from accidentally modifying an old document they likely didn't 
mean to change. It's not permanently locked, you can easily unlock the file.

>> I turned off Time Machines lock option... still I don't see why it
>> would effect files I JUST created... I have no idea what's going
>> on.... any pointers?

Again, it's more likely that your working copy is locked, not a particular 
file. You can also try Cleanup All Working Copy Lock (in the Action menu) to 
see if that helps. Running `svn status` in Terminal inside your working copy 
might also shed some light on what's happening.

>> Thanks
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> -- 
> ;; Gabe Johnson
> ;; PhD Candidate in Computational Design - Carnegie Mellon University
> ;; CoDe Lab: http://code.arc.cmu.edu/
> ;; Personal: http://six11.org/
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