On Tue, 9 Jun 2009, Bryan Harris wrote:

This is a problem we really ought to look at.   I run into this same exact
issue with autocad files.  People send me a dwg file which is linked to some dxf
somewhere.  The program doesn't explicitly tell you that your dwg is useless
without the dxf in the same directory.

With Pro-E, the assemblies assume each part is in your path.  If they're not
you have to manually locate them.  Maybe we could come up with an informative
prompt that explains why you can't open the file.  Something like: this file
links to the file "XXXXXX.dat", but "XXXXXX.dat" appears to have moved.  Would
you like to locate it?

oh, maybe I didn't explain myself right. If you try to reload a .vsz file and there is a file missing I think you will understand, there's a pop up with a message about it (kind of).

I just think it's more user friendly (intuitive?) to have relative PATH than absolut PATHs. That's the way the web works (html href tags for the same website)...


 Ricardo Reis

 'Non Serviam'

 PhD candidate @ Lasef
 Computational Fluid Dynamics, High Performance Computing, Turbulence


 Cultural Instigator @ RĂ¡dio Zero

Veusz-discuss mailing list

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