
From: markflie...@hotmail.com
To: vfb-mail@googlegroups.com; desert-tr...@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: [VFB] Re: Braided nylon loop connector material?
Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2009 16:08:24 -0600

For the List Jim.....thank you.......
Wes.....if your refering to using Dacron to make "eyes" out of, for blind eye 
hooks.........i've only done that once and i used fly line backing. However, as 
a standard proceedure........it simply isn't done.....by me or anyone who tyes 
on blind eye hooks. i'd say at least 90% of the time, we use silk worm gut in 
strands, soaked, "Twisted," and let to dry so that it stays twisted in a rope 
like fashion. i very often make my own.........although my favorite "Brand" 
(that one can buy pre-twisted), is sold by Partridge, and it is GREAT stuff. As 
you may or may not know.....i almost always color my eyes.......as i don't much 
like the look of plain gut........just way to, "plain," ie: 
BORING...................since silk worm gut is pure protein.....it takes dye 
extremely well. All you need is a Sharpie. 
i have several sounces for gut, and many different silk worm twisted gut 
products. One that i like especially is the old Spanish gut, and another is the 
old antique stained, Japanese silk worm gut......i use them all for different 
flies.....depending on what strikes my fancy according to the hook i'm using, 
and the nature of the flies design. Another thing i've been using lately is old 
antique violin sting material..........makes GREAT eyes. i found a violin 
E-String in an antique shop in Leadville, Colorado last year when we were there 
for this http://www.theamericacup.com event. Got it for 50 cents and it has 
afforded me enough material to make bout a half dozen eyes already, with enough 
left over for maybe 2 dozen more......all for 50 cents, YES!!!!! It's got a 
GREAT yellowish color to it, and is just the right diameter for use with 
EXTREMELY large hooks. Recently i've been tyin' on hooks that (while i am 
unable to actually measure them), i estimate to be at least 20/0. And this 
stuff is PERFECT for them..........makes an eye that just KILLS! And it's 
natural color is so nice, i have rarely had to dye it.................btw, if 
anyone is interested in these hooks i just refered to.......contact me off 
list. And also, if anyone is as into blind eye hooks as i am, you MUST go to 
Jens Pilgaard's website and check out his newest hooks.....(that he 
makes).....they're his new, Artistic Blind Eye Hooks.......and they 
KILL!!!!!!!!!!!! They're $10 each.....i bought 30 of them in England when we 
were there recently and each one is different.......WILD designs. You REALLY 
gotta see these hooks. Jens just happens to also be the single BEST source for 
Salmon fly materials on this or ANY OTHER planet, barr NONE! Go here. 
http://www.flytying.dk His inventory is quadruple what "anyone" else 
has.....and his prices are VERY fair as compared to many others. Shipping can 
be a bit pricey.....so make your order wourff your while. His subs., (for all 
the HIGHLY expensive exotics), are so good, that they beat the material they 
are subbing for in many cases.....and he does alllllll his own 
dying.......KILLER colors. Some of the MOST beautiful Seal Fur you'll EVER see 
for instance. Check 'em out.mark.....
> Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2009 12:48:44 -0700
> Subject: [VFB] Re: Braided nylon loop connector material?
> From: w...@wadaworks.com
> To: vfb-mail@googlegroups.com
> The Gudebrod C-Thru product arrived yesterday, and I have been playing
> with the material. If you took the standard braided nylon material
> used for making loops, and scaled it down using smaller diameter nylon
> fibers, then you can visualize the product.
> The braided loop material is commonly available in 35-pound and 50-pound test.
> The C-Thru material is 25yd. spools of 17, 8, or 6 pound. I ordered
> the 8 and 6.
> The breaking strength listing is very deceptive, as I haven't been
> able to break the 8 pound test with my hands. It is very sturdy
> stuff, tightly braided.
> The 8 pound is .019 diameter, and about 1/16", about the same as many
> butt sections of leaders. Indeed, you could easily have a quick
> substitute for a furled leader butt using this stuff.
> The 6 pound test is .015 diameter, about 50% thicker than 1/32".
> I am not sure what types and sizes of dacron are used for blind eye
> hooks, but the C-Thru would make a very good alternative.
> The source for the material, available in single spools, is Land of Odds:
> 6-pound C-Thru
> http://www.landofodds.com/servlet/Detail?no=28074
> 8-pound C-Thru
> http://www.landofodds.com/servlet/Detail?no=28075
> 17-pound C-Thru
> http://www.landofodds.com/servlet/Detail?no=28076
> If anybody has further questions, just contact me offline.
> Wes Wada
> Bend, Oregon
> On 4/11/09, Wes Wada <w...@wadaworks.com> wrote:
> > I have found a source to order single spools of 6# and 8# Gudebrod
> > C-Thru. The order should arrive any day now, and I will report on the
> > product and source.
> >
> >
> > Wes
> >
> > 

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