I think that I will start my own blacklist and will not particpate in swaps
or will withdraw from swaps if someone on my blacklist is part of the swap. 
Most of the culprits just do not communicate. Presumably they are too
embarrased to do so. They get all enthused when a swap is announced and
submit their name but do not check their other obligations, or more likey
lose intertest in the swap over time.
Even if you are ill, you should still be able to get a message out. The only
exception is if the person drops dead from a heart attack.
Neville (Nev) Gosling
Greater Vancouver,
B. C.  Canada


From: vfb-mail@googlegroups.com [mailto:vfb-m...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf
Of Niclas Runarsson
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 4:24 PM
To: vfb-mail@googlegroups.com
Subject: [VFB] Re: We Need a BLacklist

Know the feeling. I just hosted a tiny fly swap here in Sweden. We were
twelve tiers but it turned out to be ten flies... with five "reserves" who
had seen the announcement too late, but were standing in line to jump in.
One envelope came in with a big hole in it... flies lost. But as he was
eager to tie new ones, we agreed to push the due date a week for him to be
able to do his best and not his quickest.
This gave the two no-shows another week too... and I called them both, since
they didn't answer my PM's on the forum. The one I reached said that he had
forgotten about them and was "going to mail them tonight... tomorrow at the
latest". The PLANNED extra week passed and, due to factors preventing me to
do "my stuff" with pictures and sorting, so did another week.
I mailed them today, three weeks later than planned. The one I didn't
reached is still not to be reached. The one who said he was going to mail
his flies three weeks ago hasn't said a word since... and if they had just
SAID that their flies weren't coming, it wouldn't have been a problem
filling both places... having five people waiting with three weeks to tie.
Preventing people from participating... and making the other tiers spending
extra hours behind the vise (the size range on the flies tied in this swap
was #24-32... not five minute-flies to quite a few, who before this swap
hadn't tied smaller than #20). 
They will be reminded about this if they show interest in future swaps of


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