On Mon, 31 Mar 2003, Philip Gladstone wrote:

> Mine too is labelled as NTSC. Interestingly enough there are a set of
> resistors that look as though they might indicate the version of the
> FlyVideo card. You can find these resistors in a row, just above the
> SAA7130/4 chip.
> The nine positions are labelled GP1 .. GP9
> I have 4.7k resistors (marked 472) in positions 1,3,5,8,9.

My FlyVideo 2000-PAL B/G (TCL2002MB-1), without FM Radio, without EEPROM
Board LR138 Rev:C
has resistors in positions 1,3,8,9

Incidentally, is the EEPROM supposed to be at the position marked U4
immediately right of the Tuner block?

Wan Tat Chee (Lecturer)
School of Computer Science, Univ. Science Malaysia,
11800 Minden, Penang, Malaysia.          Ofc Ph: +604 653-3888 x 3617
Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]            Web: http://nrg.cs.usm.my/~tcwan
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