I'm doing a little Mobile vlogging as coverage of the Bite Of Seattle and staying with
my in-laws this weekend on my MSN Spaces blog:



battery gets drained fast recording and uploading
signal is unreliable

i found myself batch uploading around an ac outlet where there was a strong signal
which was the ferry terminal on my way to bed.

Yesterday, I recorded 50 minutes of various video clips and probably 45 seconds of
cell phone footage. But, the 50 minutes of video is still sitting in my camcorder while
the 45 seconds is online now.

> Mobile vlogging is where the real action will be. Not in terms of
> slick production or great image quality, but in terms of being a real
> world-wide communications method.
> Are there any statistics as to how many people watch Rocketboom
> through the cell phone, Andrew?
> What success stories do we have in terms of mobile vlogging? Eric Rice
> from audioblog talks about Calling a number with your audio message.
> What about sending a video clip to a certain number through GPRS?
> I must admit I don't know the extent of problems that the Americans
> are facing with your telecommunications systems, but I do realize that
> you are facing certain .. challenges. But aren't things getting
> better?
> The real reason for my interest in mobile vlogging is articles like this:
> http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/click_online/4706437.stm
> "Mobile use in Tanzania and across Africa is gaining momentum all the
> time, and users continue to confound researchers with their creativity
> in using the devices.
> Already the West has started to look to Africa and the developing
> world for new ideas as to where to take the technology next."
> I remember there was an edition of The Economist a few months back
> with the front page title: "The real digital divide" - showing a cell
> phone, not a computer.
> So let's forget our G5's and Pentium 4's with Adobe Premiere Pro or
> iMovie for a moment. Let's talk about videoblogging without the
> computer, without the webcam.
> Here is a Swedish site where you can simply register, take a picture
> or a short movie sequence, and send it as an MMS to an address.
> http://mobilblogg.nu
> I have not tried it myself yet, but I will asap and once I do, I will
> make a report on screenvlog.com
> Ideas? Success stories? Have you tried mobile vlogging and if so could
> you please state your country, your network provider, how you do it
> and if it worked for you?
> Best regards,
> Raymond M. Kristiansen
> site: dltq.org / screenvlog.com
> work: blogsoft.net

Individual Fireant


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