Holy Crap!  A bunch of us are mentione din that article!!! I had no
idea that they were writing this.  Whoa.  THis is a big deal, at least
it is for me.  Thanks for bringing this to our attention Deirdre.
Congrats to everyone mentioned.  Do you happen to have the link?  I
would love to show it to some people.


On 7/25/05, R. Kristiansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  What is so interesting to me is that Ian Mills goes from being "just
>  another teenager" in the UK (with no previous movie experience, right
>  Ian?) to being a NYT celebrity and compared to Letterman in what 7
>  months? Ok, this maybe isn't so strange at all, but my point is: If
>  you got talent, or keep at it until your talent shows through, the
>  work Will pay off. Or something like that.

>  Anyway. Congrats, Ian, and all.

>  Best,
>  Raymond M. Kristiansen


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