What is the best way to promote these upcoming events?  It would be
nice to have an interested audience rather than just window shoppers.

Specifcally, I'm helping Bre/Clint/Mel/Peter/more? put on the Seattle
"Meet the Vloggers"... University Village Apple Store (8/6 @ 3pm).

I thought about creating a banner ad for LeanBackVids.com, but that
won't get enough exposure and VlogMap.org gets very little
non-community traffic.

Ideally, we could get something in one of the many papers (Times, PI,
Stranger, Weekly).  That would probably be the best result, but they
have yet to even report on video blogging in general.  Kinda sad
because we're supposed to be a cutting-edge tech town. 

On a somewhat related note, has anyone thought of putting together an
upcoming events feed, or better yet a syndicated _javascript_?  Each of
us could then embed it into our sites.  It would also be nice to have
a feed for recent press (ie "vlogging in the news"), but that is
probably back to the "press packet" thread.

Any ideas about event promotion would be appreciated.

Thanks -- Matt



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